I need to write a professional reflective journal Explanation on pg 8,9,and 10 of the CALLA Handbook.
this includes: 1.description of highlight(s): provide a brief summary of the 3pgs. This is an informational summary. 2. initial emotional response: How did you feel about the highlighted subject? for example I felt embarrased to find out that.. Or I was impressed with the strength of the children and their parents as they.. (3) Learning Process: a.Prior assumptions or opinions about the highlight: what was your assumption or opinion about the highlighted topic before you read/experienced the highlighted subject. example: I assumed that ESL students need to be forced to speak English-only and stop using the L1 in order to acquire English...( b) Source of Assumption or opinion: what made you have such an assumption? Example: I grew up hearing people say that immersion is the only way to learn a language and I heard people say that more time with English would produce more English... (c)Assumption/opinion-Validation/invalidation: How does the highlight described validate or invalidate your prior assumptions or opinions? Example: My assumption was invalidated, because according to..., students learn English faster when they have L1 support. He explains that..(d.)Realization/Aha Moment or Epiphany: What did you learn? How have your views or beliefs been changed? Analyze/reflect on how your ideas have evolved-what was the "Aha!" moment for you? Example: Now I realize that L1 is part of the student's prior knowledge and the students can make use of that resource in learning English. I understand that students can learn better by using the language they are most comfortable with. Etc... Can you do this for me?