
English 2950 ethics in the workplace a critical analysis of

Ethics in the Workplace: A Critical Analysis of the film North Country

Analysis: is a process of breaking down something complex into simpler elements that will make it more understandable.

Critical Analysis: an analysis with an argumentative and evaluative edge (the writer is attempting to persuade the reader of something).

For Project #1 you will apply the notion of "ethics in the workplace" to the film North Country. Further, you will write a Critical Analysis of one aspect of the movie. The direction in which you take this analysis (the aspect of the film which you analyze) is entirely up to you. I do suggest that you focus on one particular scenario (your choice) from the film that depicts an instance of unethical behavior/sexual harassment in the workplace. Keep in mind your reading of Chapter 6 (Technical Communication), and on the below definitions of Kant's Categorical Imperative, Utilitarianism, and Ethical Relativism. I would like for you to somehow apply one of these below principles to your analysis. Length: 2-3 pages, typed, double-spaced.

1. Kant's Categorical Imperative:
The most fundamental of all the liberal principles handed down to us from the Enlightenment and the very cornerstone of our civilization is the "categorical imperative" of Immanuel Kant: namely, that one cannot act on that maxim which one cannot will to be universal. In other words, if it's OK for me to do it, it has to be OK for everybody to do it. If it's not OK for everybody to do it, then it's not OK for me to do it either. This principle is so deeply ingrained in us, along with the contempt we feel for what we call "hypocrisy" when people violate it, that we take it for granted.

2. Utilitarianism:
A doctrine that "the useful is the good," and that the determining consideration of right conduct should be the usefulness of its consequences. Specifically - a theory that the aim of action should be the largest possible balance of pleasure over pain or the greatest happiness of the greatest number.

3. Ethical Relativism:
Inethics,the belief that nothing is objectively right or wrong and that thedefinition ofrightorwrong depends on the prevailing view of aparticularindividual,culture,orhistoricalperiod.

As you work, keep these strategies in mind:

1.) Zero in on key elements (relevant to your overall topic).

2.) View the film through a critical lens. (How are you watching and understanding this film? Through ‘political' eyes?Through ‘social' eyes?Through ‘psychoanalytical' eyes?)

3.) Compare the film to something similar (Have you read about, seen, heard of something that reminds you of the content of this film? Does something inform how you understand this film?)

Remember: For most analyses, you will utilize/use a combination of the above 3 approaches.

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Other Subject: English 2950 ethics in the workplace a critical analysis of
Reference No:- TGS02204501

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