
English 200 state the problem you are trying to address

Research Paper

Your research paper will be the culmination of the semester, so my expectations are high, as well as my excitement to watch you develop and refine your research and arguments. Once you have selected an issue within the broad theme of metal music and culture, you should begin conducting research on the problem.

The sooner you begin this research, the easier writing the final paper will be. Your research paper is argumentative in nature, which means that you must argue a particular position in the essay-it will be important to use a clear, focused thesis statement in the writing as well.

Your paper should do several things:

1. State the problem you are trying to address

2. Review relevant scholarly literature to show you have a clear understanding of both sides of the problem

3. Include a thesis statement which details the problem and discusses possible solutions

4. You should be sure to include at least 8 sources (6 of which must be scholarly) in your text

5. You should include a correctly done works cited page

6. You should correctly use MLA in-text documentation

7. You should include a title that lets the reader know what your paper will be about-be creative!

8. Keep in mind that your audience for this paper is a group or organization that is opposed to your position-which will affect how you write your argument

9. You should be sure to explain your position clearly, both in the introduction and throughout your text whenever you use examples. Give examples and explain how they support your argument.

10. You will address not only your view of the problem, but also the opposition's. For instance, if your issue is censorship, the PMRC may be your audience. In which case, you would have to familiarize yourself with the group's beliefs and mandates. That
way, when you argue your position you will be well informed and able to refute possible differences of opinion.

11. Your paper should be 8-10 pages long, double-spaced, using a font like Times New Roman. Avoid using Courier.

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Dissertation: English 200 state the problem you are trying to address
Reference No:- TGS02543491

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