
English 1302 exercise the source is a book by paul fussell

English Exercise-


In items 1-10 below, I've given you information for a source, but that information is presented in a jumbled order, as if it were taken as notes. You are to take the information provided for each source and put it into the correct order to create a proper Works Cited citation in MLA format.


  • The source is an essay entitled "Batman, Deviance, and Camp." The author is Andy Medhurst. The essay appeared in a collection of essays entitled Signs of Life in the USA on pages 323 through 339. The collection was published in 1994 by Bedford. The collection was edited by two people: Jack Solomon and Sonia Maasik. The place of publication was Boston.

Works Cited:

Medhurst, Andy. "Batman, Deviance, and Camp." Signs of Life in the USA. Eds. Sonia Maasik and Jack Solomon. Boston: Bedford, 1994. 323-39. Print.

1. The source is a book by Paul Fussell entitled The Great War and Modern Memory. It was published by the Oxford University Press in 1975. The place of publication is New York.

2. The source is a magazine article by George F. Kennan entitled "America's Unstable Soviet Policy." It appears on pages 71 through 80 of The Atlantic Monthly. Kennan's article is printed in the November 1982 issue.

3. The source is a newspaper editorial published in the Los Angeles Times. The editorial appeared on page B6 and was originally published on November 24th, 1992. You read the article on April 23rd, 2001. You found the article using InfoTrac Newsstand, an electronic database. The title of the article is "Urban Planning and Neighborhood Voices."

4. The source is an essay by Stuart Levine entitled "Emerson and Modern Social Concepts." The essay is one of several essays by different authors in an anthology entitled Emerson: Prospect and Retrospect. The essay appears on pages 155 through 178 of the book. The editor is Joel Porte. The book was published in 1982 by Harvard University Press, located in Cambridge, MA.

5. The source is a newspaper article entitled "Listening to Prozac." The article originally appeared in the New York Times on September 12th, 1992, on page A17. You found this source on May 5, 2007 using Newspaper Source, an electronic database. The author of the article is Alex Ross.

6. The source is from an online website called PAL: Perspectives in American Literature. The author is Paul Reuben. The article is titled "Harlem Renaissance--An Introduction." This information was posted on October 15, 1995, and you accessed this information on August 27, 1997. The website address is: .

7. The source is an entry entitled "Propaganda" in the Encyclopedia Britannica. The encyclopedia was published in New York by MacMillan in 1984. This was the year of the 4th edition of the encyclopedia. The entry was written by David L. Lewis.

8. The source is a review of the film Batman Forever, which was directed by Joel Schumacher. The title of the review is "Come Back to the Batmobile, Robin Honey." The review appeared on pages 55 and 56. It was published in The Harvard Gay and Lesbian Review in volume 35, issue 4 in 1995. The author is Michael Zam.

9. The source is radio interview with Susannah Charleson, author of a book about rescue dogs. You accessed this online at on February 21, 2014. The interview appeared on the radio show Think, which is broadcast by KERA in Dallas, Texas. The interview took place on January 19, 2013.

10. Your source is an essay published in a scholarly journal called African American Review. The essay, by George Hutchinson, is entitled "Mediating Race and Nation: The Cultural Politics of The Messenger." It appeared in volume 28, issue number 4, which was published in 1994. The essay is found on pages 531 through 548. You found this source on April 28, 2000 using Academic Search Complete, an online database.

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