
English 1301-narration essay writing topics - purpose of an

Essay Assignment

Instructions: Write a 700- to 850-word essay in response to one of the following writing topics. Remember that the purpose of an effective learning-experience narrative is to reflect and inform--to reveal to the audience something important the writer learned from having had the experience. You must include 2 documentation sources and a works cited page. (You can use your textbook; refer to any essay read in your WP thus far)

1. Relate an experience in which you had an encounter with a culture different from your own, an experience which perhaps led you to change your perceptions about that culture or its members.

2. Relate an experience you had which taught you a difficult or valuable lesson in life.

3. Relate an experience which helped you to mature in some important way.

4. Relate an experience which demonstrated to you the significant truth (or perhaps falsity) of a common expression or truism regarding human life experiences. Some examples: "Experience is the best teacher"; "Friendship is a two-way street"; "If you want something done right, do it yourself."

5. Relate an experience in which you had to attempt or perform a difficult or distasteful deed--for example, breaking off a relationship or telling your parents, spouse, or friend about a serious problem you have.

6. Relate the details of an accident or disaster in which you were a witness or victim. Remember that an "accident" or "disaster" need not be serious or life-threatening to be a valuable learning experience.

- An effective learning-experience narrative will have a strong introduction which indicates the topic and the overall experience, and will hint at the point, not state it outright. Your thesis statementshould be the last sentence of your introduction

- An effective narration essay must have topic and transitional sentences. You may use personal pronouns.

- The point of learning in a learning-experience narrative is never trivial, but instead shares something of significance to a wide audience of readers.

- The point of learning in a learning-experience narrative is built-in from the beginning of the essay by the writer indicating his area of ignorance or misconception, and then in the body, providing the necessary emphasis on his thoughts and emotions relevant to the point.

- An effective narrative distinguishes between major and minor events or details, as well as between essential and non-essential events or details.

- An effective narrative will have a clear sequence of events around a base chronological order.

- Submit to Turnitin.com to ensure that it is plagiarism free. Papers that are not submitted to Turnitin.com will not be graded.

- Follow MLA Format

- In the process of telling this story, you should demonstrate the significance of the particular time and place (environment) in which the event occurred. Be sure to include specific details and descriptions to evoke your experience, express something about yourself, and capture the moment and place.

- Your thesis, or main idea, should be stated in the essay's conclusion. Your thesis will indicate what you learned (about yourself, others, experience) at the time or later looking back at the event.

- Organize your essay in a coherent manner so that your readers can follow your thoughts.

Your purpose is to engage your readers as you show and tell a story that reveals insights about who you are or were. Having a conflict in your narrative is a great way to engage readers.

- Your audience will be your fellow classmates and your instructor, who may not know much about you other than that you are a student.

- You will use first person or "I" in this essay. *Keep in mind you WILL NOTdo this in any other essays.

- Keep in mind that your instructor will expect varied sentence structure, good diction, relatively few grammatical errors, and correct spelling (remember to use spell check).

First Draft: Write a rough draft of your essay which should include at least your introduction, thesis statement and first body paragraph. Each person in class will complete 2 peer reviews. On be sure you have exchanged emails with 2 of your classmates during the previous class. They will critique your essay using the peer review worksheet that is placed in the Learning Web. Email your classmates back the critique (peer review) of their essay. Then each person who completed a peer review of their classmates essay must then upload the peer review worksheet that they completed to.These peer reviews must be submitted with your final draft.

Final Draft: This will be submitted on Be sure you have completed the Coversheet, which is the top sheet. The content order is as follows after the Coversheet: (1) Rough Draft w/peer reviews (2) Final Draft and (3) Works Cited Page. Important: Be sure to revise and edit carefully. Look at everything-words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs (order and number), and your evidence. This is the time to polish and refine your essay. Be sure to have a clever title. Hint: The title cannot be the topic! A title is original, specific, and a fragment or a question, or it may consist of a title and a subtitle as my example indicates. It must give readers a hint about the content. For example, if your topic is on the death penalty, you cannot have the title of your paper as The Death Penalty because it is too broad. However, the words death penalty must be in the title. For example, a clever title is The Death Penalty: Justice or Vengeance? Note: An original title is not underlined or put in quotation marks. An underlined title shows it is the title of a book, and quotes indicate a title is borrowed from an article or story.

Word count:800

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