
English 1020 assignment - argumentative essaynbspcriteria

English Assignment - Argumentative Essay

TASK: Using three essays from Chapter 16 of They Say/I Say as sources to support your position, answer this question: "Is higher education worth the cost?" You may agree ("yes"), disagree ("no"), or agree and disagree ("okay, but").

Try to use one source that disagrees with your position, demonstrate your skills of summarizing and proper quotation framing, say "why it matters:' and achieve a balance of logos, ethos, and pathos.

Criteria for evaluating your essay:

-Is the writer's purpose/position/audience clear?

-Does the writer spend enough time discussing other writers' views? --Is the essay effectively organized?

-Are the paragraphs adequately developed?

-Is the tone appropriate to the essay's purpose?

-Is there evidence of attention to language, vocabulary, and verb choices?

-Are direct quotations used, and are those quotes properly framed?

-Does the essay contain basic errors in grammar, punctuation, or spelling?

-Do the header and works cited page meet MLA guidelines?

Use the following citation information and formatting for your works cited page which must include three sources form 16 of They Say/I Say.

Owen, Stephanic and Isabel Sawhill. "Should Everyone Go to College?" They Say/I Say.

Ed. Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstrin, and Russel Durst. 3rd ed. New York: W.W. Norton.

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