
Engl101 - identify areas of improvement and understand the

In ENGL101, When an instructor provides feedback for you on an essay that you have submitted, here are the objectives of that feedback:

Identify areas of strength

Identify areas of improvement

Understand the importance of developing learning strategies and available tools

Know how to scaffold learning strategies and tools to create a self-lesson plan

Use instructor recommended sources, if provided, to incorporate into self-lesson plan

Report self-lesson plan, goal, and progress made toward lesson plan and goal

Purpose: The assessment will help you the student to develop further self-lessons by identifying helpful feedback, establishing resources, creating goals, and identifying progress indicators.

After-action Assessment:

This assignment is an After-Action Assessment. You will review your first essay and the feedback you have received from your instructor. You should receive a downloaded file with comments and/or tracked changes from your instructor. If you do not, please contact your instructor to receive your feedback.

For this assessment, you will present a thoughtful, well-researched, organized evaluation of what worked, what did not work, why, and what you have found to help you manage the opportunities for improvement that your instructor has pointed out to you.

This assessment is graded. You will not receive track-changed feedback even though the response will be run through Turnitin, unless expressly determined by your instructor that the assessment is not transparent enough based on the expectations in this directive.

Failing to complete this report does have an impact on your overall grade. There are four areas to cover in this assessment: Assets, opportunities, lesson/homework plan, and progress/further study. The total word count for this assessment is a minimum of 350 words. To earn a higher grade, the After Action Assessment should use greater detail, and fall in the upper part of the 350-500 word range. To earn the highest grade according to the rubric, students should write more than 500 words.
1. Assets:

Your instructor provided you with feedback regarding areas in which you are strong, as well as a rubric that includes feedback as well. Writing in narrative style, identify several strengths using no fewer than 50 words. (Do not include the instructions in this count.)

2. Opportunities:

Your instructor provided you with feedback regarding areas in which you are not as strong. Writing in narrative style, identify 3 areas of improvement on which you might work using no fewer than 100 words each. The list below is not complete, but it should provide some suggestions from which to structure a lesson and homework plan.

What comments or corrections were made regarding your paper's setup? Title? Spacing?
What comments or corrections were made on your essay's structure and style of essay?
What comments or corrections were made about the length of your paper? Was it a minimum submission or sound and substantial?
What comments or corrections were made about your thesis statement?
What comments or corrections were made about your topic sentences?
What comments or corrections were made about your about your use of transitions?
What comments were made about the use of quotes or paraphrased sources?
What comments or corrections were given to you about your language errors?
What comments were made about the use of your resources?
Were there any other comments your instructor asked you to pay particular attention to in the future?

3. Lesson and Homework Plan:

Be specific in your identification of three (3) opportunities to improve, and once you have identified these opportunities, suggest ways you might be able to overcome these difficulties in your writing.

You might find a YouTube video (include links) that you can watch that would clarify the item your instructor pointed out in his/her feedback. You might search for helpful websites (include links) that are useful. These may include websites that host exercises. You should have at least 2 resources for each of the 3 lesson opportunities you select.

4. Progress Made/ Future Plans:

Also, please include any small progresses you have made and any continued homework scheduled.

Example of a partial assessment: My instructor pointed out that I use semicolons incorrectly. I was under the impression that any two sentences that were complete were allowed to be linked by a semicolon. I have identified two websites offering semicolon exercises and PDF that I can use for reference. After spending a half an hour on the exercises at https://depts.dyc.edu/learningcenter/owl/exercises/semicolons_ex1.htm and https://www.bristol.ac.uk/arts/exercises/grammar/grammar_tutorial/page_44.htm, I believe I have a better understanding of the grammar rule. I worked on the exercises for an hour a day for four days. My goal is to work one hour a day until I can make 100% on the exercises five times in a row. I will know that I have conquered this nemesis when I can revisit the website exercises once more prior to the next essay or end of the course and continue to make 100% on the exercises. I'll know that I am master of the mistake when I can confidently help someone else make the correction by translating my knowledge and experience.

(This is 165 words. Remember that you are choosing three. This was only one.)

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