
Engl 1100-2526 - an annotation is one- paragraph including

For this assignment you will find five academic sources relating to your final paper topic, cite them correctly using the MLA citation style, and annotate each entry. An annotation is one- paragraph, including a brief summary of the source and how it will be useful to you when writing your paper. Keep annotations to roughly 100-200 words each.

Your academic sources must be from scholarly books and/or academic journals. For this assignment you can NOT use popular sources, webpages, professional sources, etc. You must only use scholarly sources-those that have references, and are written for an academic audience.

All entries must be in ALPHABETICAL order, with the annotation following directly after.

Sample Annotated Citation:

Morrow Long, C. (2001). Spiritual merchants: Religion, magic and commerce.
Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press.

This book examines the followers of African-based belief systems which have been translated into new belief systems such as voodoo and hoodoo, and the retailers and manufacturers who supply them. Focussing on the spiritual-products industry in different regions of the United States, Morrow Long explores the commodification of charms, potion ingredients and voodoo dolls, as well as how these items are chosen, marketed and used. This book will be useful to my dissertation research as it contains information on the commodification of belief, and specifically focuses on New Orleans in several chapters. It should be noted that this book centres on material culture objects and advertising issues, not necessarily belief issues.

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