
Engaging in delinquency crime and drug use

Assignment task:

Topic: Among young people in the city of Los Angeles what are the key driving forces that lead them to engage in delinquency crime and drug use? Identify (2-3 focused research questions related to this research topic. Don't worry too much about getting the questions worded exactly right now - but clear and focused in what you are asking and why (e.g., will an answer to one or all of the questions help you learn what you'd like to learn?). Identify 1or 2 possible ethical risks or concerns associated with conducting your research topic and questions. Here are example: Examples of focused research questions flowing from a research topic (don't copy these): Topic (Police) Research Q: How to police officers cope with trauma after being involved in use of force incidents? Possible ethical concern or risk: (1) accessing the a suitable population and asking them questions without retraumatizing them; protecting confidentiality and anonymity. Topic (Crime type - Cybercrime) Research Q: Do hackers share knowledge with each other via online networks? Possible ethical concern or risk: (1) ensuring the data collected is reliable and valid given the population and lack of controls; (2) potentially exposing unknown criminal behavior to law enforcement, thus rendering research subjects vulnerable to law enforcement actions. Topic (Police) Research Q: Do body worn cameras reduce the number of police use of force incidents? Possible ethical concern or risk: Data validity and concerns over undue influence - will I be able to access reliable objective data, or only the data that paints the picture they want me to see?

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Other Subject: Engaging in delinquency crime and drug use
Reference No:- TGS03423724

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