
Engage deeply and reflexively on how the interview could

Question: Reflections and Reflective writing,must identify 2-3 critical incidents that will reflect on in greater critical depth for a self-reflective report. The report will then take each incident in turn and provide a rich analysis of the incident demonstrating critical edge and integrating academic literature. You can select a reflective framework to aid the structure of your critical incident reflections. The appendices DOES NOTcount towards the word count.

Required Outcome: Critically and deeply reflect on their own and others' practice, strengths and areas for development; construct concrete action plans based on these reflections that demonstrate commitment to continuous professional growth.

Self-reflection: Engage deeply and reflexively on how the interview could impact more widely in future professional work (including the impact on others). Include values-based reflection. Analysis will be balanced, including appreciative-based reflection, as well as developmental targets. Concrete action planning will also be expected to demonstrate the link with continuous growth.

Demonstrate and apply practice attributes and competencies which will assist effectiveness in their chosen forensic psychology-related profession.

Self-Reflection: Being critically self-aware is required for forensic psychologists and the report will be assessed on the mastery of this skill. The chosen critical incidents will also be assessed in relation to awareness and application of appropriate attributes and competences.

Critically assess and engage with the challenges of contemporary forensic psychology environments, evaluate professional and ethical dilemmas and remain defensible in decision-making

Self-Reflection: Forensic psychology roles may involve moral and political values that conflict with personal values; one may also face daily ethical dilemmas working with offenders, for example, that require reflection-in-action. This will allow one to identify some of these challenges and offer the opportunity to reflect on how one could respond appropriately to these. Required to draw from evidence to support these reflections, thus enhancing defensibility.

Communicate effectively and with regards a range of diverse audiences.

Self-Reflection: Must demonstrate appreciation of effective communication with clients and with professionals as part of this task.

Interview Recording:Reviewing the video will allow one to verify if one appropriately communicated with the mock ‘offender', adapting one's verbal communication style effectively, using strong interviewing techniques and taking a non-discriminatory approach.

Interview Recording

This is a self-reflection and can employ personal pronouns ("I"). This is generally encouraged within reflective writing.

MUST structure the reflection clearly and logically.

MUST Include:

Introduction, Main Body, Conclusion, Reference and Appendices

An INTRODUCTION that opens the main issues to be discussed - for example by briefly introducing reflective practice, critical incidents and the task engaged with. This should be very brief; do not regurgitate the information you've been given about the interview exercise. You only need sufficient background for a reader to appreciate the content that follows. Must signpost what you will cover and how the paper will be structured - e.g. state your critical incidents and how you will structure the main body (e.g. which framework(s) you are employing).

The MAIN BODYshould provide an in-depth reflection for each of the chosen critical incidents. As noted above, you can use a framework and follow this for the structure of each Critical Incident. MUST use sub-headings here if you choose to (these are included in your word count). You can choose how much weight to afford to each critical incident. You should be choosing Critical Incidents based on their potential for analytical depth to ensure that this is evidenced.

Ensure that everything is relevant throughout - i.e. this is not an essay, beyond a brief introduction, content should be entirely dedicated to reflecting on the critical incidents, and weight should be afforded to analysis rather than description. Examples of where failures occurred area paper that is primarily a discussion of (or essay on) reflective practice and not included sufficient (or any) self-reflection on their experiences.

Academic literature should be drawn on to support the reflection. This should be purposeful and advance your reflection (e.g. achieving conceptual thinking), and not tokenistic. Must prioritise peer-reviewed academic journals over generalised texts for this. Take a critical approach to evidence to demonstrate grasp of material.

MUSTused appropriately formed sentences and paragraphs and that linkage is provided to aid flow throughout. DO NOT USE bullet-points. Proof-read your work to identify and correct errors in grammar, syntax (this is word order and sentence composition) and spelling.

The CONCLUSION must draw together the key points from the main body and draw the report to a successful close. No new material should be introduced here.

The REFERENCE must be in APA format

The APPENDICES must provide evidence of engagement with reflection as a process. Submit entries from a reflective journal here - a minimum of 3 are expected.The appendices are not part of the word count.

All work should be referenced completely and correctly in accordance with APA guidelines.

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Dissertation: Engage deeply and reflexively on how the interview could
Reference No:- TGS02701932

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