
Eng1004 - engineering problem solving principles -perform a

Engineering Problem Solving Principles

Overview of Assignment

The submission is made up of two main parts: Self and Peer Review and a Final Report.

Self and Peer Review (SAPR) - You are asked to critique and review your peer's research output from A2 and self-review your own work (using retell, relate and reflect writing strategy) with the SAPR spreadsheet provided. You are also asked to review each team members contribution to teamwork.

The Final Report is to be a maximum of 30 pages (not including title page, appendixes and references) utilising in-text referencing and a reference list in the Harvard AGPS referencing style. Care needs to be taken to be concise and intentional with each paragraph to address the problem adequately while keeping within the page limit. The following sections are to be included:

- Part A: Site Selection and Statistical Analysis - The details of site selection are explained and justified using a decision matrix method. Additional statistical analysis is to be done of provided data.

- Part B: Analysis of Statistics and Engineering Factors of Relevant to Chosen Field (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical...etc) Statistical analysis is then presented for the chosen site. Deeper research into engineering factors is done in one chosen field of engineering which justifies the decision making process.

- Part C: Final Concept Design -The final concept solution is defined/described with the aid of diagrams and simple calculations. Emphasis should be given to how it meets the requirements set in previous sections.

- Professional Communication and Project Management - This is for the code of conduct, time management and project management aspect of the problem which is evidenced in your report and appendix.

- Teamwork in Problem Solving -Teamwork will be monitored through your team's Studydesk forum and group meetings (usually in tutorial time). Meeting minutes, group decisions and forum participation need to be documented and submitted as part of your Final Report Appendix section. The appendix does not count to your page limit.

Self- and Peer-Reviews

INSTRUCTIONS: Once your team has submitted their A2, the submissions will become available to you via your team forums so that you can begin SAPR. You are required to critically review ALL of your team members' submitted A2s, as well as self-review your own submission. You are assessed on the quality and depth of your critique (and not on the "marking").

This section is submitted and assessed in accordance with the Problem Based Learning philosophy. You are asked to submit a self- and peer-review BOTH your own, and your team members' A2 in line with the provided assessment criteria. Note that the assessment criteria is based on your ability to critically, objectively and reflectively self- and peer-review the collective IA2 submissions through the well-considered and researched comments, NOT the levels you award to the team members.

In the Excel marking rubric you are required to fill in the names of who you are reviewing in the "Student Name" field, and your name in the "Reviewer Name" field at the top of the spreadsheet where indicated. For your self-review, fill in your name in both fields. Use the tab function in Excel for each additional review.

Follow the below steps to complete your SAPR:

Step 1: Open the A2 zipped folder in your Team Forum;

Step 2: Select the first of your team member's submission;

Step 3: Read the A2s;

Step 4: In the provided Excel Review Marking Rubric, choose a "Level" from the drop-down box on the far right hand side (which is a number from 0 to 5 in accordance with the explanation of these levels as set out in the marking rubric;

Step 5: Fill in the "Comments" area for this section using the supplied spreadsheet:
- Use a systematic approach when critically reviewing your team member's problem solving ability within the section;
- Critically review the Accuracy of the Content within the section;
- Critically review the Reliability of the Content within the section;
- Support your critique using Evidence AND Reasoning within the section.

Step 6: Repeat steps 4 and 5 for other parts of the A2, and Attention to grammar; correct spelling; and appropriate referencing in Harvard AGPS style (in-text and reference list)

Step 7: In the "Overall comments" area at the bottom of the marking rubric, include the Reference List of any references that you used within your review in full Harvard AGPS style;

Step 8: Teamwork. Reflect on the team members contribution to teamwork throughout the course: meetings, communications and decision making. Score them out of 10 at the bottom of the spreadsheet and give clear comments and justification for the score.

Step 9: Repeat steps 2 to 8 for the rest of your team's A2 submissions by adding to the worksheets (via the tabs) in the spreadsheet;

Step 10: Review yourself last. Select your own A2 submission and repeat steps 3 to 7. Please note that this marking criteria is DIFFERENT to that which you are marked on for your team member's reviews:

- Critically review, and reflect on your own submission with respect to your fellow team members' submissions by:
o Retelling what your experience was with writing your A2 within the sections;
o Relating what you found out while reviewing your team members' submissions within the sections; and
o Reflecting on what you have learnt about your own A2 from reviewing your team members' submissions within the sections.

Step 10: Double check that you have reviewed ALL team members' submissions, as well as your own submission. Proof read all of your comments.

Final Report - Part A: Site Selection and Statistical Analysis

Part A1 - Statistical Analysis

Individually, you should provide additional statistical analysis as follows based ONLY on your 3 sites allocated WITHIN your dataset:

1. Frame hypotheses for a set of t-tests to compare mean rainfalls between all 3 sites selected. Carry out the hypothesis tests in Excel, present the appropriate t-test results and interpret these results within the context of your project. What do these results tell you about differences in average rainfall among the 3 sites? What do these results tell you about differences in average rainfall among the 3 sites? Discuss any limitations or assumptions (statistical and practical) of this analysis.

2. Frame hypotheses for a chi-squared test to determine if the observed number of rain days is different than expected. Carry out the hypothesis test in Excel, presenting the appropriate frequency table showing observed, expected and residual counts for each town. Interpret these results within the context of your project and in relation to your previous findings based on t-tests. Discuss any limitations or assumptions (statistical and practical) of this analysis.

3. Describe what, if any, relationship you might expect to find between the minimum temperature and the maximum temperature variables. Construct a scatter plot between these two variables and perform correlation analyses in Excel. Describe the relationship based on both the plot and the correlation results.

4. Within a hypothesis testing framework perform a linear regression analysis in Excel with maximum temperature as your independent variable and minimum temperature as your dependant variable. Present and discuss all appropriate results from your analysis and interpret these results within the context of your project. Discuss any limitations or assumptions (statistical and practical) of this analysis.

Part A2 - Site Selection

As a team, you need to present a list of influential factors (parameters) including results from your statistical analysis in A2 for determining suitable sites. This summary must be derived effectively from the individual A2 submitted by each team member (that will be posted on the team forum to be peer- reviewed). Each factor presented in the list will require proper referencing and justification using appropriately researched literature. Do NOT share your working for the additional statistical analysis above with your team (this is individual work).

You are then required to describe and justify the decision matrix tool used to delimit the suitable sites. Provide details on the evaluation strategy applied by the team to determine and rank the most suitable site for the final solution. Please use an appropriate and reliable decision matrix tool.

With a problem of this magnitude, it is noted that a site may be theoretically the "best" site for the problem solution, but in real life, this is not always the case. With this in mind, you are asked to identify the top 3 ranked sites so that contingency plans can be adequately identified.

5. Final Report - Part B: Analysis of Identified Statistical and Generic Factors, and one (1) Engineering Factors for one (1) Selected Site

Part B1 - Statistical Analysis and Generic Factors

Once the specific site has been chosen, the team needs to document and justify the actual site of the proposed project using statistical and generic factors pertaining to the problem. Any site investigation data required during the construction phase or ongoing data collection at project completion needs to be identified. Comments should also be made on any assumptions.

Continuing on from your A2, you are now asked to document your team's consolidated factors such as previously mentioned:

1. Consider the statistical analysis of the weather (based on your work in A2 and Part A) and its potential impact on construction;

2. and impact of weather on the final design. (ie: rainfall is related to the amount of water collected)

3. Investigation of relevant labour and equipment and construction management considerations (CPM construction scheduling).

Part B2 - Choose ONE Engineering Field for further analysis

Write a report on the engineering factors of a chosen engineering field, including further analysis of available options to aid in finding the best solution. This section should be an extension of the work done in A2 and have evidence of calculations and decision making relating to the chosen sites.

Clearly reference the source of any formula or data.

(Option 1) - Civil Engineering
Following on from the A2, where factors were identified for each site that would influence the Civil and Structural Engineering aspects of the Problem solution, you now need to analyse these factors for to determine the best solution.

(Option 2) - Electrical Engineering
Electrical Engineering elements for this project, as identified in the A2, will mainly focus on the factors that you will now need to analyse further using a logical decision making process.

(Option 3) - Mechanical Engineering
The mechanical engineering technology and principles related to the project should be analysed to determine the best solution. Use appropriate decision making tools to show this process.

Part C: Details of Proposed Solution and one (1) Engineering Specification

Report on the proposed solution showing clear evidence of informed decision making. The following sections must be included with the option of choosing one engineering section.

C1 - Proposed Solution Summary

Provide a summary of the overall solution, including a schematic diagram or sketch to show the position and relationship between parts. Overall, the Solution for the Problem should be one shown to be viable, as well as sustainable. Show how the team's proposed solution will address all aspects of the problem as well as be sustainable over a period of at least 10 years.

C2 - Engineering Specification of ONE (1) of the following:

Provide the specifications (at a conceptual level) of the final design. This could be overall sizes, capacity, weights, power and/or performance criteria of the chosen components. Please choose one field to cover in greater detail (same as in Part B of this assignment) and show evidence of informed decision making. Please reference at least one relevant Australian Standard.

(Option 1) Civil and Structural Engineering Specifications

Civil and Structural calculations are required to show that your team's proposed solution will meet the requirements as set out in the problem brief.

This will include design specifications and related calculations to the areas identified and analysed in Part B of this report.

In these areas, you should be able to demonstrate the basic knowledge on the analysis of loads and forces, preliminary design, selection of materials, and familiarise yourself on the different Australian design standards.

C2 - (Option 2) Electrical Engineering Specifications

Electrical design specifications are required to show that your team's solution will meet the problem requirements. These include the schematics, calculations and specifications for that which was identified and analysed in Part B of this report.

C2 - (Option 3) Mechanical Engineering Specifications

Mechanical design specifications are required to show that your team's solution will meet the problem requirements. Calculations, diagrams and specifications are required for that which was identified in Part B of this report.

C3 - Construction and Maintenance Specifications

Outline the required construction and any maintenance over 10 years in order to ensure the success of your team's solution, as well as any education that may be required to help guarantee the longevity of the project. A simple project plan for delivery of the proposed solution is expected.

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