Project- Business Letter Assignment
Final Draft Setup Requirement:
- Polished, properly formatted, one-page letter
- Single spaced
- 11 or 12-point Times New Roman font
WHAT: Write a 1-page business letter appropriate for the professional workplace.
HOW: The business letter will be addressed to a classmate and will
- capture the classmate's attention;
- describe (briefly) the steps of process writing;
- present a persuasive argument to motivate the classmate to use steps in process writing in development of his/her written assignments throughout the semester;
- demonstrate your knowledge of process writing, your ability to craft a professional letter, and your skill at persuading a reader to action.
WHY: This assignment strengthens your ability to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate main ideas in production of a common communication document. It demonstrates writing as a process that requires substantive revision, and it promotes communication skills aimed at a specific audience about a particular subject for a defined purpose while advancing your understanding of your strengths as a writer of persuasive business materials.
Writing a persuasive business letter is beneficial in other ways, too.
o Critical thinking and effective writing used in the development of this project teaches valuable skills applicable to large and small companies. In a large company, the task of letter writing typically falls to an advertising department, copywriters, and marketing specialists. In a small company, it is often accomplished by a business owner.
o Persuasive skills used in the development of this type of project strengthen understanding of the AIDA plan: attention, interest, desire, and action. This means a letter writer needs to know how to get a reader's attention, generate interest and desire within the reader for a product, service, or decision, and then motivate the reader to take action.
o This type of business writing is also a great way for your instructor to assess your skills of organization, critical thinking, and grammar/punctuation