
Eng 107-07 how do you intend to go about the writing

Peoject Assignment

Pick a Monstrous Thesis and Write a Monstrous Story

The project is very similar to Project One, but it's not.For Project Two you will be again exploring a monstrous thesis, either the one you chose for Project One or another, but in story form. ProjectTwo, then, gives you the opportunity to put the monstrous ideas we've talked about and the theses from the book Monsters into story form - to show how a monstrous theory might play out in a real or imaginary world of your own making, or to show what monstrous theory-based events might look like.

For this project, I again invite you to look closely at your Project One thesis from "Monster Culture (Seven Theses)" essay by Jeffrey Jerome Cohen and write your short story. Or pick another of the seven theses and explore the concepts you find there. You may find horror stories or monster movies as influences in creating your story.

Remember, you may need to do research to explore how others, including professional writers and filmmakerstreat your chosen monstrous thesis and questions in their fictional works.

Project Two in five parts:

• 2.1, Proposal
• 2.2, Annotated Bibliography
• 2.3, First Draft
• 2.4, Second Draft
• 2.5, Portfolio that includes 2.1 through 2.4

2.1 - Proposal - (hardcopy due Monday, 11/7for workshop; due Wednesday, 11/9for your portfolio). You will write a 500-word proposal:

1. Monstrous Story Thesis

a. Stateexplicitly the monstrous thesis you will explore in your monstrous story.
b. State explicitly the genre of your monstrous story:

i. Sci-Fi
ii. Horror
iii. Monster
iv. Whatever

c. State explicitly what has influenced you: stories, films, filmmakers, etc.

d. Give a quick summary of your story.

e. Identify the abstract concept(s) or topic of conversation your event represents, socially.

2. Question(s)

a. State explicitly your chosen thesis.
b. State explicitly a question or questions (no more than three) that arise from your initial ideas about your monstrous story.
c. State explicitly how these questions might be explored in your story.

3. Methodology

a. How do you intend to go about the writing process?
b. What point of view (POV) do you intend to use: 1st person, close 3rd, omniscient?
c. What tense do you intend to use: present or past?
d. Where do you intend to go for information (research & influences)?
e. How do you intend to use that information?

4. Implications surrounding your story (not a conclusion: there are no conclusions to conversations ongoing, only implications).

a. How are you treating your chosen thesis and questions differently, similarly, or the same as your influences did?

b. Where does your writing, your story, fit in the genre you've chosen? Does your story move the genre forward into new territory, or are you working in a past genre? Or does your story work in a past genre but with a modern twist?

2.2 - Annotated Bibliography - (hardcopy due Monday, 11/14for workshop; due Wednesday, 11/16for your portfolio). You will write an annotated bibliography on sources you use as influences, including all videos, films, stories, etc.that you will draw on for your monstrous story. As before write 12pt. Times New Roman font in standard format. Use the same MLA format as any other annotated bibliography you've done for this class.

2.3 - First Draft - (hardcopy due Monday, 11/21, for workshop; due Wednesday, 23, for your portfolio). You will write 12 to 20 pages in12 pt. Times New Roman font, double spaced, 1" margins all around. A works cited page is necessary for your monstrous story.Use standard short story format for dialogue and action (Google it). You can also explore the Short Story folder in Contents on Bbd. In your essay, please use footnotes or endnotes instead of parenthetical citation to link to your works cited page. We will discuss this in class.

2.4 & 2.5 - Second Draft & Portfolio - (Portfoliodue Wednesday, 11/30). You will turn in a substantially revised and polished storyalong with all other related elements: 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 with peercomments - the workshopped versions.Enclose all of the above in a light folder (no three-ring binders please). A simple two-pocket folder works perfectly.Put your name and the name of the class, with section number, on the outside of the folder.

Note: At least one completed Writing Center appointment is required for Project Two. The WC appointment will count towards your 2.5, Portfolio grade.

Note: Each segment of P-2 will include a short (one page is enough) reflection on your writing process, and will count 1 pt. towards your grade.Ask yourself:How do I see my project? Did it go as planned? Where did it change course, if it did? Why? How so? Am I satisfied with my essay, my ‘attempt' at exploration of the thesis ofmy monstrous story? and its questions? What else couldI have done, and/or done differently?

Remember: you are to explore yourmonstrous thesis in your monstrous story.

Remember: Always take a hard copy of this prompt to the Writing Center so your tutor knows what I'm asking you to do.

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