Energy Allowance:
Energy Allowance: The patient's requirement for energy varies with the physical activity and physiological condition. For instance, consider a person confined to bed. He tends to consume less than the one undergoing physical exertion. An example of a physiological state that leads to an increase in caloric needs is fever. A diet high in calories is indicated for under nourished patients. They are advised to take more of energy-dense foods such as starchy foods, sweets, cereals, butler and oils. While a low-calorie diet is indicated for all obese patients. The patient is encouraged to eat three meals a day, not to eat in-between the meals and to avoid energy-dense foods. These consist of raw and cooled vegetables, fruits, egg, meat, fish, chicken and skimmed milk with a low intake of cereals. An individual's energy requirement can be determined calculating either:
- required number of Kcal/kg/day OR
- percentage increase over basal metabolic demands.