
Encouraging dissenting views form groups of three or four

Question: Encouraging Dissenting Views Form groups of three or four people, and appoint one member as the spokesperson who will communicate your conclusions to the rest of the class.

1. Take a few minutes to think about groups you were a member of in which there was a high level of conformity to group norms.

2. Think about how someone who openly disagreed with the majority would feel and be treated in these groups.

3. Take turns describing these groups and the bases for conformity in them. And then discuss how deviants would likely be treated in these groups.

4. As a group, come up with ways that groups in which conformity is emphasized at the expense of deviance can encourage group members to express dissenting views.

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Management Theories: Encouraging dissenting views form groups of three or four
Reference No:- TGS02327781

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