
encoding data optionspvm uses suns xdr library to

Encoding data options

PVM uses SUN's XDR library to generate a machine independent data format if you request it. Settings for the encoding option are:

PvmDataDefault: Use XDR by default, as the local library cannot know in advance where you are going to send the data.

PvmDataRaw: No encoding, so make sure you are sending to a same machine.

PvmDataInPlace: Not only is there no encoding, but the data is not still going to be physically copied into the buffer.

  • int info = pvm_freebuf( int bufid )

Disposes of a message buffer. bufid  message buffer identifier.

  • int pvm_getsbuf( void )

returns the active send buffer identifier.

  • int pvm_getrbuf( void )

returns the active receive buffer identifier.

  • int pvm_setsbuf( int bufid )

sets the active send  buffer to bufid, saves the state of the last buffer, and returns the last active buffer identifier.

  • int pvm_setrbuf( int bufid )

sets the active  receive buffer to bufid, saves the state of the last buffer, and returns the last active buffer identifier.

  • intpvm_initsend( int encoding )

 Clear default sends buffer and states the message encoding. Encoding states the next message's encoding scheme.

  • int pvm_send( int tid, int msgtag )

Instantaneously sends the data in the active message buffer.  tid Integer task identifier of destination process. msgtag Integer message tag provides by the user. msgtag should be nonnegative.

  • int pvm_recv( int tid, int msgtag )

Receive a message. tid is integer task identifier of sending process supplied by the user and msgtag is the message tag supplied by the user( should be non negative integer). The process returns the value of the new active receives buffer identifier. Values less than zero specify an error. It blocks the process until a message with label msgtag has arrived from tid. pvm_recv then places the message in a new active receive buffer, which also obvious the current receive buffer.

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Computer Networking: encoding data optionspvm uses suns xdr library to
Reference No:- TGS0208185

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