
Employment productivity and efficiency in public sector


The impact of wage structure on employment productivity and efficiency in public sector in Nigeria

Problem Statement

The general problem of low wage structure in the public services in Nigeria makes the service unattractive to vibrant individuals who seek to pursue a career to take up employment in public services organisation. This low wage impact on the quality of candidates that are employed, the quality of services they provide, the commitments they put into the job, their professionalism and their psychology well-being. According to Maslow (2000), when employees need is not met, motivation is low and performance. A Reward system is the instrument used to increase employer to motivate the employees for improved efficiency and productivity. Low-wage in the public sector leads to the problem such as corruption, Nepotism, absenteeism, lateness to work and other frustration, and harmful vices including a decline in productivity Agburu (2012). It is a fact that most public officers demand some form of a "mandatory dash" before providing services that they are paid to do. Because they are not reasonable compensated they become vulnerable to obtaining bribes to argument their salaries. It is every young man's dream to work in the private sector where wages are reasonably, and life can be maintained while pursuing a career.

This particular problem is that university graduates, professionals and technocrats do not accept to pick up employment in government establishments. When they do, it is a matter of "last resort" and they are not prepared to make any meaningful contribution to either improve the services or to bring about positive change for the larger benefits of the society.

Purpose Statement

The purpose of this proposed qualitative research study is to determine if, and to what extent, the low wage structure affects the quality of candidates employed in public service their productivity, efficiency and their psychology. The study also determines the degree to which low-wage deters the University graduate and other professionals from taking up employment with a government establishment or parastatal. This proposed research study will be carried out by examination of documents, observation of employee behaviors at work and interview of participants in gathering information Creswell (2009). The interview will involve highly placed public officers including the HR director and director's from other department heads to determine the benchmark for employment. The result of the research will be used to answer the questions posed in the research questions.

Research Questions

Question 1. To what extent the wage rate affects the quality of candidates that are available for selection into public offices?

Question 2. Will increased wages comparable to those existing in the private sector attract university graduates, professionals and technocrats to the public sector?

Question 3. Will increased wages bring about change in attitude and bring about professionalism and improved efficiency in the public sector?


Agburu, J. I. (2012). Recent Trends in Wage and Salary Administration in Nigeria:
A Synopsis on Theoretical and Empirical Challenges.

Creswell, J. (2009). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches
(3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Maslow, A. H. (2000). The Maslow business reader (Stephens, D. C., Ed.). New York: John Wiley & Sons.

The impact of compensation and reward system on the performance of an organization (a case study of total nigeria plc).

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Other Management: Employment productivity and efficiency in public sector
Reference No:- TGS02012070

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