
Employment opportunities to the people

 Discuss the following in a 3 to 4 page draft Code of Ethics paper :
1) your world view; how you see good and bad, right and wrong, and how you respond to issues.  Examine human resources management and

2) share your organization’s core values or principles.

3) on the validity of those values (are they consistent?).

4) How does everything you shared impact HR decisions in the workplace?  Comment on how you see truth?

 Is there such a thing as absolute truth?  If so, what is it?


Ethics entails those values which have been adopted by individuals or rather instilled by the external forcesthat help one in distinguishingthe right from what is wrong. Thus, such a person tends to act accordingly. Ethics originates from a number of sources which include religion, organizational culture, and legal obligations, among others. (Resource Management Institute, n.d.).

Ethics is one of the basic elements of human life. Ethics forms the base which people decide what course of action to take. It shapes an individual’s plans and, therefore, without it, a person’s actions would be random and aimless. This amounts to total confusion for a person as well as in organizations. Organizations would lack waysof working towards their set goals. This is because bringing differencesseveral goals is difficult.

Having an ethical standard is not a perfection, it can be a challenge for organizations to effectively work on their goals and successfully realizing them. The issue here is that, the degree of a rational ethical standard determines the extent to which an organization can organize its goals and actions in the right manner. This fostersthe achievement ofthe most important values. Any shortcoming in ethics disable successful endeavors.

Ethics affects the way the society view actions. It dictates what is taken to be good and what is considered as bad, what is right or wrong. The society or even organization will take each and every action to ensure they work in accordance with the existing ethical standards. Any deviation from the accepted code of ethics amounts to a breach of ethical standards. There are always repercussions for this. The responsible person or organization is liable to a penalty.

Ethical issues are dynamic. They vary from one community to another and from one organization to another. What is considered ethical in one community or organization may be unethical in another. This makes the ethics concept a bit complex. This means some ethical issues or standard may not be applied universally. (Kidder, 2003).
Human Resource Management (HRM)

HRM involve activities dealing with the human resources in an organization. These activities include:

i. Employment opportunities to the people

ii. Resource development

iii. The actions taken in the utilization and compensationof employee services
All the above activitiesaredone in line with the job requirements. What an organization considers to promote the achievement of its goals and objectives is considered. HRM, thus, involves the four management functions: planning, organizing, directing and controlling human activities. This is done with the intention of achieving the organizational and individual goals.

Ethics inHuman Resource Management (HRM)

Ethics associated with HRM reflects how an organization treats employees. It portrays the decency with which employees work and the distributive justice applicable to them. The conduct of business within the ethical framework is a major contribution towards business goals. A firm’s employees will operate effectively and efficiently due to high motivation. HRM has areas of which ethics is crucial. This include

i. Basic human rights

ii. the fight for civil and employment rights for example issues on job security, and feedback from tests, among others

iii. Safe work environment

iv. Privacy on organizational core conduct of business

v. Employees’ equity and equal opportunities

vi. Fair and honest processes in the workplace.

The human resource manager must take every step to ensure that ethical standards in an organization are preserved. The HR manager should strive to improve the recruitment and selection tests. This is done byadhering to the recruitment policy. He/she should identify the needs associated with recruitment, monetary resources required, and the criteria of selection

The HR Manager should also conduct ethics training. This entails the process where employees are trained for proper work delivery and in adherence to the ethical code of conduct. This will result in increased production, boosts employee morale, less supervision, less wastage, among other advantages.

Moreover, there should be no pitfalls in performance appraisal. Such appraisals should be based on facts and any sign of partiality or biasness should be removed.

It is also upon the HR Manager to formulate an efficient and fair rewarding and disciplinary system, promote two-way communication, get rid of any form of discrimination among the employees, offer equal opportunities to all employees for their advancement and development and take appropriate measures to ensurea safe working environment.

Unethical practices can be committed in HRM by either the employers, the employees or the government. Employers does this by creating divide among union leaders,partiality in theprocesses of selecting, transferring, and promotingemployees, off-shores and exploitations in the labor markets,child labor; breaching company pension agreements, physically fighting, coercing an employee,inflexibility of working hours, among other malpractices.Employees, on the other hand, contributes to unethical practices by falsifying claim of personal details producing unsupported certificates and taking conflict of interest in decision making. Government operates unethically through such activities as making announcements on the vacancies and not taking any action further and lack of transparency and reliability in government offices. (Rose, n.d.; Sternberg, 2000).

Samsung Electronics’ Core Values
Samsung Electronics operate on five core principles which fosters its ethical standards. These values are:

i. People- a company is regarded as its people. This includes the management, employees and all the other stakeholders. Samsung is committed to creating opportunities to its people.

ii. Excellence- Samsung operates with passion for excellence. It commits itself to developing the valuable products and services offered to the market-buyers.

iii. Change- for a company in the current dynamic economy to survive, it has to appreciate change. This is what happens with Samsung.

iv.Integrity- Samsung operate in an ethical way. This has been the foundation of Samsung’s business. All that Samsung does creates fair and transparent working environment

v. Co-Prosperity- the success of a business depends on the prosperity and opportunity it creates for others. Samsung is dedicated to being a socially and environmentally friendly.

This core principles promotes the ethical standards within the organization. This result in the success of the organization. Through these values, Samsung Electronics has been able to favorably compete with other electronic companies.(Reserved)
Truth is what is accepted in an organization as a fact and with good motives. It is only complicated to define what absolute truth is in reality. This is because the events which make up truth are influenced by many factors which varies in nature.


Kidder, Rushworth (2003). How Good People Make Tough Choices: Resolving the Dilemmas of Ethical Living. New York: Harper Collins. p. 63. ISBN 0-688-17590-2.

Reserved, SAMSUNG All Rights. Values & philosophy.Samsung, 1995.Web. 4 Sept. 2016.
Resource Management Institute. (n.d.).Ethics.Ethics.Retrieved November 21, 2013,from https://www.hrmi.org/ethics.html
Rose, A. (n.d.). Ethics and Human Resource Management.Mc-Graw Hill Higher Education. Retrieved November 21, 2013, fromhttps://highered.mcgrawhill.com/sites/dl/free/0077111028/536508/EHR_C02.pdf
S, K. (n.d.). Ethics in Hr. iosrjournals web site. Retrieved November 21, 2013, from

SternbergE.(2000).Just business: Business ethics in action. Oxford University Press.Great Britain

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