

Project 1: Employment

Before you decide on a job ad, make sure that the ad provides you with sufficient information about the ideal candidate for the company or organization. A primary objective of this assignment is to tailor your employment package to the specific needs of the employer. If your ad does not give you sufficient information about your potential employer's needs, the objective of the project is defeated before you have even begun. If you are uncertain whether or not your job ad is appropriate, do not hesitate to ask me.

For this assignment, you must have a keen awareness of what your potential employer needs in an applicant, and you must create a professional identity through print that proves you can fulfill and exceed these expectations.

Please be specific and write a page for each question.


1. Why did you choose this job ad? Why do you believe that you are qualified for the position?
2. How long has the ad been posted? If it has been posted for a long period of time, are you sure that the position is still available? How?
3. Where is the company located? Are you willing to move if it is out of state or in a foreign country?
4. Why is living in the area that the company is located appealing to you?
Job Ad Analysis:

1. What skills is your prospective employer seeking, from most important to least important?
2. What exceptional skills do you have that prove you to be invaluable to this company or organization? Remember that your resume is not a record of what you've done, but a persuasive document that proves indisputably that you are the best person for the job.

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Business Management: Employment
Reference No:- TGS0933815

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