Repond to All of the Questions whether they are True/False.
1. Employers cannot refuse to be interviewed during an OSHA investigation.
2. Employees cannot ask to be interviewed in private during an OSHA investigation.
3 .Employees can freely discontinue the interview at any time during an OSHA investigation.
4. EAP services are not confidential because the employer pays in advance for the services provided to the employee.
5. The OSH Act’s General Duty Clause includes a statement about “ergonomic” hazards.
6. Research shows there is a relationship between absenteeism and workplace stress.
7. Stress that is constant, chronic, and severe can lead to burnout over a period of time.
8. Dysfunctional stress can affect one’s productivity at work.
9. The key to preventing workplace violence is to recognize and handle suspicious behavior before it turns violent.
10. Substance abuse prevention is an essential element of an effective workplace safety and security program.24.
11. Properly implemented preventative programs—including drug and alcohol testing—protect the business from liability.