
Employer does not have the statutorily-required postings

In the wake of recent gun violence, Employee C has become an ardent advocate for gun control. Employee C’s Employer operates in a state where both open-carry and concealed-carry licenses permit patrons of Employer’s business to carry firearms while they shop. Employer does not have the statutorily-required postings that would prevent patrons from carrying firearms on the premises. Despite numerous warnings from her supervisor, Employee C continues to identify patrons carrying firearms to other patrons, asks them to leave the premises, claims she is uncomfortable with their actions (even when there is no objective evidence to support any concern), threatens to involve law enforcement and generally creates an uncomfortable environment for patrons (both those who carry firearms and those who do not). Should Employer consider terminating Employee C’s employment? Why or why not? Could Employer face legal claims from Employee C if it elects to terminate her employment? If so, what types of claims could it face?

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Operation Management: Employer does not have the statutorily-required postings
Reference No:- TGS02939892

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