
Employees to use the conference room for club meetings

Problem 1: Melissa is employed by Conway Chemical Corporation. The company allows the employees to use the conference room for club meetings, like the knitting club and book club. Melissa has asked to use the conference room for prayer meetings on Wednesday mornings before her shift starts. Melissa's request was denied.

A. Melissa does not have a claim for religious discrimination because the other activities were purely secular in nature.

B. Melissa does not have a claim for religious discrimination because she failed to inform her employer of her religious belief.

C. Melissa has a cause of action for religious discrimination because she is being treated differently based on religion.

D. Melissa has a cause of action for religious discrimination because the RFRA states that it is religious discrimination for employers to allow employees to engage in secular activities and refuse to allow employees to engage in religious activities.

Problem 2: In order to establish that a requested accommodation constitutes an undue hardship under the ADA, an employer must show that the accommodation

A. is not readily achievable.

B. will require the employer to incur more than a de minimis cost.

C. will require the employer to incur a significant cost or obligation.

D. will result in inconvenience to other employees

Problem  3: In the workplace of the private sector employer:

A. employee rights under the Privacy Protection Act of 1974 are stronger than the rights of the employer under the Act.

B. employees have no legitimate expectation to any privacy rights.

C. employees have limited rights to privacy in the workplace.

D. employees have an absolute right to privacy in the workplace.

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Business Law and Ethics: Employees to use the conference room for club meetings
Reference No:- TGS01759346

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