
Employees string representation


(Creating a New Subclass of Employee) Other types of Employees might include Salaried Employees who get paid a fixed weekly salary, Piece Workers who get paid by the number of pieces they produce or Hourly Employees who get paid an hourly wage with time-and-a-half-1.5 times the hourly wage-for hours worked over 40 hours.

Create class HourlyEmployee that inherits from class Employee and has instance variable hours (a double) that represents the hours worked, instance variable wage (a double) that represents the wages per hour, a constructor that takes as arguments a first name, a lastname, a social security number, an hourly wage and the number of hours worked, set and get methods for manipulating the hours and wage, an earnings method to calculate an Hourly Employee's earnings based on the hours worked and a to String method that returns the Hourly Employee's String representation. Method set  Wage should ensure that wage is non negative, and set Hours should ensure that the value of hours is between 0 and 168 (the total number of hours in a week).


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Business Management: Employees string representation
Reference No:- TGS01789608

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