
Employees now have a constitutionally-protected freedom to

1) Employee's now have a constitutionally-protected freedom to associate with whomever he or she chooses based of a term called employment at will.

This basically means a that there is no set time or conditions for continued employment (Avery, 2014).Also from my readings it has been discovered that employees can not be discriminated against nor fired as well as any defamation against their character can be used against them while they are pursuing their jobs even though they may be working at a job already.

In the past it was stated that employers were required to work at least a year to whatever company they decided to work for, and taking this away allows employers to possibly be undermanned all the time which can be devastating in the law enforcement field. So, to counteract on this possible issue there was an employment at will doctrine that was created to have these such contracts that a teacher or a law enforcement official may hold and cannot become invalid unless violate law or public policy.

Every state is different so with that being said due process is an important factor that both parties have to take into account when they re trying to prove their points because this allows each party to win the case in there favor if it is not granted. Tome the Saint Leo University core value of Respect goes along with this topic of discussion.

The core value states how we value all individual's unique talents, respect their dignity and strive to foster their commitment to excellence in work. In order for law enforcement officials to do this including other company's sometimes the best thing is to do is allow an employee to leave in order for them to grow no matter what terms they left on because every experience is a life lesson.


Avery, I. T. (2014). Legal Issuesin Criminal Justice Administration. Mason, Ohio: Cengage Learning.

2) If you were a cop and part of a hate group, such as a white supremacist group like the KKK, and openly degrade minorities and support the harm of blacks, that would affect your ability to perform your duties objectively as a police officer.

This would influence how fairly and evenly the law is applied minorities. Â When the police are sworn in they promised to protect those that are around them. I do believe employees have a choice as to who they can associate with and constitutionally-protected freedom as long as it does not affect the way they do their job.

There have been many times where a cop was found out to be a KKK member and it was then soon discovered that he/she had a record of pulling over many minorities for no reason, being overaggressive with them, and even planting illegal substance on them. Texas is an at will state and can fire anyone without and reason which is crazy in my opinion. Saint Leo University core values are very intimate and honest which is how every business should be.

One of the core values that stands out to me is respect and to the university it means to be yourself while being respectful to those around no matter what their race is, their living conditions. The second core value is community and that is to make sure that everyone in the university is united as one and to support one another through thick and thin.

3) This has been a very interesting topic for me for quite some time because it hits home for me. I am a government employee with a security clearance and unfortunately my brother has chosen a significantly different path in life.

He has been involved with drugs, crime and law enforcement for the majority of his life. Although I am legally allowed to associate with my brother, I have refrained from doing so for a variety of reasons.

We undergo periodic reinvestigations to keep our clearance active and I've elected to avoid a lot of contact with my brother to eliminate any reason that may conflict with retaining my clearance. The issue for my employer would be that if I associate routinely with someone who breaks the law and does drugs then they could become increasingly concerned that I may fall into that lifestyle as well and could compromise the integrity of the agency.

This would be very similar to a police officer hanging out with friends who are habitual criminals. Although they may not commit a crime in his presence, it puts the officer and agency in an awkward situation.

By respecting the concerns of the agency and employee it is possible to find a balance to sustaining these types of relationships but it comes at a cost. The offenders should also respect the fact that the friend/employee is held to a high morale standard and that they should not compromise that individuals integrity or lifestyle just because they have made poor decisions in their life.

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Dissertation: Employees now have a constitutionally-protected freedom to
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