
Employee testing please respond to the following evaluate

Discussions 1: "Employee Testing" Please respond to the following:

• Evaluate the types of employee testing that companies may require that are discussed in the text. Determine the two tests that you consider the most important. Support your reasoning.

• Go to Human Metric's Website and take the Jung Typology Test (sample of the Myers Briggs personality test). Next, examine your test results. Determine whether you believe this type of personality test is beneficial to an organization. Support your position.

Discussions 2: "Core Market Offerings and Defining the Product" Please respond to the following:

• From the case study, take a position on whether Tropicana did or did not make a major mistake in changing its product packaging. Next, suggest the next two steps that you believe Tropicana should take in its branding strategy in order to counteract the initial negative response to the new product packaging. Provide a rationale for your response and do not duplicate your classmates' responses.

• * From the scenario, prioritize the attributes of Golds Reling's brand from the brand map presented in the scenario according to the attributes that you believe would be most important to the new tablet's target market. Provide support for your response.

One students take on the case study: (to help with the case study portion..please do not copy word for word)

"Based on the case study, Tropicana did make a major mistake in changing its product packaging. They took a chance by changing the original packaging that ended in consumer displeasure with the newly-launched packaging for the division's flagship product. The product was on the shelves for six weeks when they started receiving negative emails and comments. The investment amount could have been saved for other avenues of producing product verse wasting it attributes that were not needed for their packaging. Does this really affect the overall taste of the product with the design of the package is labeled as "ugly or stupid" probably not, but it still created a redesign nightmare.

Ways to counteract the initial negative response to the new product packaging would be to revise the advertising and product labeling immediately to recover the position of the change. If the sales were declining after the package changed then there is a huge issue that the company must change immediately to continue making profit. Some questions the article brings to light are "should Tropicana move forward with their existing advertising plans and press on with the new packaging, assuming consumers would grow to like it? Should they try to tweak the redesign in some fashion? Should they scrap the new package redesign completely, returning to the old packaging?" My thoughts are yes to all of these, if your company has placed 35 million dollars into the product and it is declining in sales a change needs to take place immediately. There is no way to really recover from the bad responses unless you change it back to the original product."

Gold's Reling's brand from the brand map presented in the scenario according to the attributes that would be most important to the new tablet's target market group would be the core business and industry attributes. For example the effects of the change, effects of their competition, informative knowledge of recognizing all around you for product lines. The business benefits of branding would have to be considered so conveying information and consistent quality along with reduced risk and making the purchase decision much easier. This also benefits the business by providing a loyalty to their product and not losing interest based on the change of the marketing such as the product labeling if the product inside still remains the same consistency.


Kirk, C., Berger, K. (2011) Tropicana: Social Media Teach Marketers A Branding Lesson, The Society for Case Research, Journal of Critical Incidents, Volume 4

Iacobucci, Dawn (2017). MM4 Marketing Management, Southern Western Cengage Learning, 4th Edition

Strayer University Week 4 Lecture 1, Marketing Management MKT500 Products: Goods and Services

Strayer University Week 4 Lecture 2, Marketing Management MKT500 Brands.

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Business Management: Employee testing please respond to the following evaluate
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