
Employee performance in the organization

Complete the mcq:

1 _____ involves looking at all the influences that could affect employee performance in the organization and determining their fit within organizational goals and objectives.

Performance analysis

Operational analysis

Goals analysis

Organizational analysis

Personnel analysis

2 A competency based approach focuses on

knowledge and skills.

attitudes and personality.

all characteristics that underlie successful performance.

motivational characteristics.

3 According to the text, behavioral tests measure

situational reaction.



learning capability.

4 In response to a TNA the decision is to "change the job." This means

there are too many obstacles in the system the way the job is currently set up.

feedback is not occurring in the present set up.

there is a KSA deficiency but it is difficult to train.

rewards are not tied to high performance.

5 Which of the following focuses on an anticipated performance problem in the future?


A reactive TNA

A proactive TNA

Work sampling

6 Performance appraisals are almost always completed by

peers and self.

360 degree feedback.


work planning and review.

7 The _____ approach to job analysis immediately identifies the KSA's required for the job.

task oriented

worker oriented

operational analysis


8 A training needs analysis is conducted when

a setback event occurs.

a triggering event occurs.

a decision to provide sexual harassment training is made.

a deficiency is determined to be a motivational deficiency.

9 When an OPG is identified, a/an _____________ should be conducted in order to fully understand the nature of the gap.

Job analysis

Operational analysis

Performance evaluation

Goal analysis

10 The selection process of incumbents in operational analysis should be performed by

a supervisor.

the manager of the organization.

a head hunter.

a job analyst.

11 Discuss the proactive approach and the reactive approach to TNA.

12 Compare reliability and validity.

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Other Management: Employee performance in the organization
Reference No:- TGS01880851

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