
Employee morale concerns facing the business

Deliverable Length: 5 to 6 slides with notes

In the last section, you outlined your goals/strategies for your new business. In this project, your group, acting as management consultants, will develop a PowerPoint presentation about motivation and leading of human resources in the business.

You will be preparing a presentation as a business consultant for the ownership team of the Mail Packaging & Supply Company. The business owner needs help in identifying ways to motivate and lead employees. Currently, the employees are being treated as if they were members of a big family. Unfortunately, this family is going broke because too few members are working hard enough to make money for it. They are happy, comfortable, complacent, and lazy.

With sales dropping, the Mail Packaging & Supplies Company owner brought in your group of management consultants. You immediately notice that employees are being paid a good salary and that they receive year-end bonuses regardless of performance. Every Friday, the business owner brings in bagels for the employees, and he treats employees to group birthday lunches once per month. Employees feel satisfied, but have little motivation to work very hard. Job satisfaction and morale are important in maintaining good employees.

The goal of the presentation is to outline the plans for motivating and leading the human resources component of the business. Your presentation should be 5-6 body slides, a title slide, and a reference slide. Your slides should be limited to bullet points and visuals, but your group should include complete talking points (what would be said during the presentation) in the notes section of the PowerPoint presentation.

Research is required for this assignment. Do not use your own undocumented opinions. Rather, your plans and recommendations should be based upon materials written by experts in the field. These materials will become your references and should also be cited on the slide or in the talking points.

YOUR OBJECTIVE for this assignment is to outline the following items in your group's presentation:

Brief introduction of the business.

An example of job satisfaction or employee morale concerns facing the business.

An outline of your plans to motivate and lead employees to solve the concerns facing the business.

Make recommendations to the business owner. The goal of the recommendations is to change the working environment in ways that will motivate greater effort and generate greater productivity.

The slides are quick bullet points of information where the speaker's notes is the full explanation of each bullet point on the slide as well as any other information needed in order to justly present the information.

Be sure to document the research sources you used as the last slide should be your reference list.

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Other Management: Employee morale concerns facing the business
Reference No:- TGS01618562

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