Question 1 Employee grievances over matters concerning adverse action, position classification, and equal employment opportunity are covered by the CSRA.
Question 2 The existence of monopolistic conditions in the public sector, and their control of the services rendered and products offered also exist in the private sector.
Question 3 In the federal sector, which of the following subjects is not a permissible subject, open to bargaining?
- Numbers, types, and grades of positions assigned to any organizational unit, work project, or tour of duty.
- Assigning work, subcontracting, and selecting employees for promotion from properly ranked and certified candidates and other appropriate sources.
- Methods and means of performing the work.
- Technology in the workplace.
Question 4 Under the ________, the U.S. President may waive employee and union rights granted under the Civil Service Reform Act, particularly for unionized employees assigned to intelligence, counterintelligence, or investigative work directly related to terrorism.
- Anti-Terrorism Act
- National Defense Act
- Homeland Security Act
- Patriot Act