This exercise will help you become more familiar with the rank-order method, the paired-comparison method, and the forced-distribution method of performance appraisal. You will evaluate the last five professors you have had (in previous semesters). Feel free to use pseudo or false names.
Professor A:
Professor B:
Professor C:
Professor D:
Professor E:
Rank-Order Method: Rank the professors you listed above from "most effective instructor" (rating of 1) to "least effective instructor" (rating of 5):
Paired-Comparison Method: For each pair, circle which professor you believe is more effective.
Professor A versus Professor B
Professor B versus Professor D
Professor A versus Professor C
Professor B versus Professor E
Professor A versus Professor D
Professor C versus Professor D
Professor A versus Professor E
Professor C versus Professor E
Professor B versus Professor C
Professor D versus Professor E
Count the number of times each professor was selected as more effective.
A: ________ B: ________ C: ________ D: ________ E: ________
Forced-Distribution Method: Place one professor in each performance range.
90th to 100th percentile (most effective): ________________________
70th to 89th percentile: ________________________
30th to 69th percentile (effective): ________________________
10th to 29th percentile: ________________________
0 to 9th percentile (least effective): ________________________
Now, look at your ratings above. What do you notice? Write down your observations.
Rank-Order Method- was this easy or hard to do? What about the persons in "the middle" (rated 2, 3, or 4)? On what basis, did you rank order them? That is, did you use the same criterion to rank order or did you use different information or criteria for each person?
Paired-Comparison Method- was this easy or hard to do? If one person is rated better than another a few number of times, does that mean that person is "more effective? Again, did you use the same criterion to rank order or did you use different information or criteria for each person? What is you liked some things but not others about a person- then what how did you rate him/her?
Forced-Distribution Method- was this easy or hard to do? Did you have a professor to put in each category? If not, what did you do?
Summarize your observations from this exercise.