
Employee and labor relations negotiations each questions

Employee and labor Relations Negotiations. Each questions answer should be 1 page. Management Ground Rule is Each party is given the opportunity to speak up and explain about the ground rules. Among these rules, both parties agreed on that negotiation sessions will be closed to the public until we reach our goals. Every conversation that would take place in the meeting room is confidential. Both parties agree not to discuss with the press or that party needs to withdraw from the negotiations. This way it is more effective to set the guidelines without any disruptions. Both parties will be keeping away the any negotiating process from the public. Both parties goal is to establish employees' benefits. Both parties wanted to end up both win-win situation. My management team is working to provide the best as much as we can to save our employees. Every meeting will have written documents and sign for all agreement. We want both parties to seal all the information.

Video and Tape recordings are not allowed in all negotiation sessions. The purpose is we expect both team members to present on time at every meeting except unforeseen emergencies. Substitute team member must be approved before the meeting but it can cause delay in the meeting if the substitute doesn't know what is going on with the meeting. If everyone will be on time for the meeting, everyone will have a chance to speak up freely and have equal amount of time to discuss.

1. Our negotiations exercise began with the development of a set of ground rules, agreed to by both negotiating teams, that were to guide the conduct of both parties for the duration of the negotiations.

a) What is the purpose of ground rules for negotiations?

b) List word for word one of the ground rules that was agreed to for your negotiations. Then analyze the impact that ground rule had-positive, negative, or both-on your negotiating sessions.

c) Reflect back on your negotiating experience and, based on what you learned, write one new ground rule that you believe would have been helpful to your negotiations. Explain why or how that ground rule would have been helpful.

2. The second stage of the negotiations exercise was to analyze the position options for your negotiating team and then a list of opening demands (proposals) to present to the other team.

a) Is the larger external context relevant to negotiations or is a negotiation a self-contained exercise where the only relevant factors are the interests and motivations of the involved management and union parties? Explain and defend your answer.

b) Whether you were part of a management or a union negotiating team, the negotiating positions you developed had to be consistent with the goals of your side. However, to reach an agreement with the other side not every position you agree to is necessarily going to directly advance your side's interests. How do you strike a productive balance between these competing tensions ?

1. The third stage of our exercise was the actual negotiations.

a) Were you able to successfully conclude your negotiations and agree to a new contract with the other side? If yes, what were the keys to your success? If no, what obstacles prevented your team from reaching an agreement?

b) What were the goals that your team was trying to achieve (list three goals)? If you reached an agreement, did the agreement enable you to meet all of your side's goals? Which goals did you meet and which did you fall short on? If you did not reach an agreement, which goals of yours or the opposing side played the most significant role in preventing an agreement?

2. The overall negotiating experience ...

a) Reflecting back on your negotiating experience, and considering all that you have read and learned about labor relations and contract negotiations in this course, provide a numbered list of your top 10 rules for conducting a successful contract negotiation.

b) Select one of those rules and explain it in detail as if you were advising a negotiating team on how to implement it. Address what the pitfalls would be of not following your rule.

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Business Management: Employee and labor relations negotiations each questions
Reference No:- TGS02375317

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