
Empire mean-empire falls-radical shift in religion

Question 1: What does the fall of an empire mean? When an empire falls, is there a radical shift in religion? Discuss the continuity and/or change resulting from Spanish conquest of the Americas (Aztecs and Incas)


Thesis & outline: You must include:

1) A thesis statement: one or two sentences which summarize your paper’s argument, and are complex, well-connected, and detailed

2) An outline of the major points of your paper.

3) You must attach your TWO PRIMARY SOURCES: one text and one image.

ASSIGNMENT: Write a well-developed essay that addresses one of the topics below. The purpose of this paper is for you to come up with an original point of view, then construct and clearly present your argument using historical evidence. To achieve this goal, you must use at least TWO PRIMARY SOURCES—one textual and one visual. The only secondary sources you are allowed to use are the textbook (Judge), class discussions, and museum wall-labels, all of which must be properly cited. No other secondary sources are permitted (i.e. no internet sources, wikipedia, scholarly articles or books).


5 pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font, one inch margins on all sides.

All sources must be cited properly, in either APA, Chicago, or MLA style.

You must include an image of the visual primary source you are using.


You must use at least two primary sources: one textual and one visual.

1) Textual primary source. Textual primary sources are first-hand accounts which are written during the time period under study. Your textual primary source can be a letter, speech, decree, eyewitness account, legal document, diary entry, poem, novel, etc. and in our case, it must be written between 500-1600 AD.

Sourcebooks are collections of primary sources. There are many hard copy volumes of primary sources that contain texts from our period of study. There are also legitimate sourcebooks on the internet, such as the “Internet Medieval Sourcebook,” which is created by Fordham University:


2) Visual primary source: A visual primary source is an object that is created during the time period under study (Again, in our case it must be between 500-1600 AD). It can be an art object (such as a painting or sculpture), a monument of architecture (such as a church), an artifact (such as a tool, piece of pottery, jewelry, or clothing).

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Reference No:- TGS02049

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