
Emotion-focused ways of coping form groups of three or four

Question: Emotion-Focused Ways of Coping Form groups of three or four people, and appoint one member as the spokesperson who will communicate your conclusions to the rest of the class.

1. Take a few minutes to think about the emotion-focused ways of coping that you personally rely on to cope with stressful feelings and emotions.

2. Take turns describing your emotion-focused ways of coping, and have the spokesperson list them on a piece of paper.

3. Now go through the list and determine as a group to what extent each way of coping is likely to be effective/functional or ineffective/dysfunctional.

4. As a group, come up with a list of effective emotion-focused coping strategies. (This list may include but is not limited to the list that was generated previously in Step 2.)

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Management Theories: Emotion-focused ways of coping form groups of three or four
Reference No:- TGS02327750

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