Emergency preparedness guide for the zombie apocalypse

Assignment Task:

Emergency Preparedness Guide for the zombie apocalypse and one additional emergency

Progress Report:

Now that you have had several weeks to work on your Emergency Preparedness Guide, it is time to report back to me on your progress with the project. Just like the proposal, you will use the formal report format for this assignment.

Title Page: Please follow the model on p. 362 in the Markel text for formatting this front page of the document. You are responsible for constructing an appropriate title for this progress report. This title does not need to match the title of the final project itself, and it cannot have the same title as the proposal. In the Prepared For section, you should refer to me as Prof. Michael S. Geary, Associate Professor of English. In the Prepared By section, you should refer to yourself by first name, middle initial, and last name, followed by Student of (insert your field of study). The date needs to be the due date for this proposal. In addition, you will need to have a Running Head and page number consistent with APA guidelines. See p. 50 in the Publication Manual for reference.

Abstract: This will be the second page of the document. The abstract will be a 150 word summary of your progress report. It needs to be exactly 150 words: no more, no less. (I will count the words.)  See Markel p. 363 and Publication Manual p. 50 for what this page should look like consistent with APA guidelines.

For the following sections of the report, please use the bolded text as your section headings. You do not need to begin a new page for each section.

Introduction: This section should provide a general overview of what you have learned while working on this project so far. You might talk about what you have learned about your subject, about preparedness, about time management, about conducting research, or anything else that seems appropriate at this stage. The goal here is to set up the reflection and information sharing that will take place in the subsequent sections. This section should be a maximum of 500 words.

Feedback Analysis: This section will identify the specific questions or concerns that I raised on your proposal. You are to construct a list of my suggestions. You can either paraphrase them or quote directly from my feedback. Underneath each suggestion, you will need to explain how you applied that feedback (if at all). This section will vary in length based on how many suggestions I gave you. However, your explanation of how you applied the feedback should not be longer than 4 concisely written sentences. Please italicize the feedback that I gave you to distinguish it from your response to it.

Annotated Bibliography: This section needs to identify every source that you have read so far for this assignment. Cite each source according to APA guidelines. Underneath each citation, you will need to briefly summarize the main ideas of the source. Each of these source summaries should not be longer than 5 concisely written sentences. All sources need to be alphabetized by author's last name. By this point, you should have read at least 10 sources.

Remaining Research Questions: This section needs to identify the specific questions that you still need to research. These should be listed. You are not expected to answer these questions in the progress report. You do not need a certain number of questions; however, I will be very skeptical if you tell me that you have no questions.

Updated Task Schedule: Based on the progress that you have made, you will now need to update your task schedule from the due date of this report until the final project is due. As with the previous report, this schedule needs to be reported in both narrative and chart format. The narrative should be a maximum of 300 words and needs to do more than restate all of the due dates that I have already given you. Set clear benchmarks for yourself and identify a specific point in the composition of the document where you plan to connect with the Writing Center for a partial draft review.

Conclusion: This section should evaluate how well you are progressing with the project. Consider how well you kept to your proposal. Identify what obstacles that you have faced and whether you were adequately prepared for them. You might also address what you plan to do differently going forward to ensure that the assignment stays on track. This section should be a maximum of 500 words.

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Reference No:- TGS03385763

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