
Emailing a retainer agreement to a new client

Assignment task:

Email Contents:

For this assignment, you will be emailing a retainer agreement to a new client for signature.

A retainer agreement is a contract between a paralegal and a client that outlines the legal services the paralegal will provide and the fees that the client will pay.

On January 19th, you met with your new client. Ms. Alysha Squire owns a landscaping business called Orca Design Incorporated (located at 123 Main Street, Unit 9, Brampton, ON L1L 2M2). She is trying to collect payment from a client. In August of 2022, Ms. Squire's company built a new deck and walkway and installed some garden beds for a client named Davinder Singh.

Mr. Singh paid a deposit of $1,000 on August 15th. Orca Design completed the work on August 21st and Ms. Squire sent a final invoice on August 22nd. Payment was due by September 22nd. The total amount owing is $17,500 ($18,500 - $1,000 deposit).

You have had an initial meeting with Ms. Squire and completed a conflict check, which confirmed that you do not have a conflict of interest and can take on the matter.

You must draft a professional email to your new client using the following guidance:

1. You must include an appropriate email subject line that does not include confidential information, such as the names of the parties involved.

2. Your email is being sent to your professor's email address but you must address it to your client. In other words, you are pretending that your professor's email address is, in fact, Orca Design's.

3. Your email must direct Ms. Squire to sign the retainer agreement on behalf of Orca Design Incorporated and send it back to you. They can either sign the agreement electronically or print and send a scanned copy. Remember that your client is Orca Design Incorporated, but that you receive instructions from Ms. Squire, so you should address your email to Ms. Squire, but be clear in the body of the email that your client is the company.

4. Your email should be brief and courteous.

5. You must also indicate that you will be sending her a calendar invitation for a client interview.

6. Remember to include the retainer agreement as an attachment.

7. Include a professional email signature that contains: your name, job title, firm name, phone number, fax number, mailing address, email address, and a confidentiality disclaimer.


You are a paralegal at Sheridan Paralegals, 7899 McLaughlin Road, Brampton, Ontario L6Y 5H9, tel. 905-444-5555, fax 905-666-7777. Your email address is your Sheridan College email address.


You will need to conduct an in-depth interview with the client to gather full details about her case and ensure that you have the evidence you will need to proceed with the claim. Send a calendar invitation to Ms. Squires setting up a one-hour interview with her for February 3rd, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. Include your professor as a "required attendee" so that they receive an email notification of the interview. Make sure that you include a name for the meeting (e.g. client interview) and set the location as Boardroom A.

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