
Elucidate why the authors cite ethnically segmented markets

Analysis of Africa's business environment.

Read the policy brief by Vijaya Ramachandran, Alan Gelb, and Manju Shah entitled, "Africa's Private Sector: What's Wrong with the Business Environment and What to do About It," and use it to answer the following question:

Elucidate why the authors cite ethnically segmented markets as a factor that holds back private sector development and building entrepreneurial capacity. What factors do the authors believe are important to starting and sustaining an entrepreneurial culture in Africa? (If you can compare the advice proffered in this article to the remarks about African economic growth by Sudhir Shetty in his Rethinking Development Policy talk on 10/22, so much the better!)


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Business Economics: Elucidate why the authors cite ethnically segmented markets
Reference No:- TGS021518

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