
Ellen is a scientist and working in a lab at usda she has

1. Ellen is a scientist, and working in a lab at USDA. She has been asked to screen maize seeds for a possible contamination of carcinogenic compounds. She decided to use Ames Test. Her examining one set of samples (sample A) gave her higher bacteria content, than the other-only few bacteria plotted (sample B). What is she suppose to report to her lab note-book?

a. Sample A is carcinogenic

b. Sample B is carcinogenic

c. Neither A or B is carcinogenic

d. Both samples are carcinogenic.

2. What type of cancer asbestos cause?

a. Mesothelioma

b. Gastric carcinoma

c. Prostate cancer

d. None of the above

3. Which wave-length range is true for UVB?

a. 315-400nm.

b. 100-280nm.

c. 280-315nm.

d. None of the above.

4. UVB are absorbed by the DNA bases, imparting enough energy to alter chemical bonds. There is an incorrectly inserted A (Adenine), and makes a pair with, T, creating AT base pair. This unique type of mutation called:

a. Pyrimidine dimer

b. Purine dimer

c. Point mutation(caused by chemicals)

d. b and c

5. There has been disruption of water molecules, and observed free radicals, i.e., hydroxyl radicals (OH•). This is a:

a. Pyridine dimer mutation

b. UVB radiation.

c. Ionizing radiation

d. Purine mutation

6. A DNA virus implicated in cancer of the uterine cervix and in several other cancers of the anal and genital area, including cancer of the penis. This oncogenic virus can be:

a. EBV-Epstein-Barr virus

b. HPV-human papilloma virus

c. KSHV-Kaposi’s sarcoma

d. HBV-Hepatitis B virus.

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Other Subject: Ellen is a scientist and working in a lab at usda she has
Reference No:- TGS0627897

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