
Eliminate the incidence of a wide range of health disorders

Problem: In recent years the federal government has rescinded many of the restrictions, both public and private, on embryonic stem cell research in the US. In essence, the new policy over-rode the severe restrictions on stem cell research which allowed development and application of adult stem cell technology but effectively limited the production and use of embryonic stem cell lines. While the new federal policy still maintains strict guidelines and limitations on research, it has also opened the door to a much more formidable and competitive US effort to develop this exciting but still highly controversial technology (which has the potential to do everything from repair diseased organs and tissues to reduce or eliminate the incidence of a wide range of health disorders - including Parkinson's and Alzheimer's).

Polls show that most Americans favor this research and are hopeful that it will prove highly effective. Opposition to it comes mostly from religious groups, both Catholic and Protestant fundamentalist, and from those who view embryos as human persons. Utilitarians, natural law theorists, ethics of care proponents, and Kantians all have their own perspectives and arguments on this issue. What is your view?

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Reference No:- TGS03271070

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