
Eligibility determinants for children under 18

Question: Please use RISE (Reflect, Inquire, Suggest, and Elevate) to answer the following post:  "Both Colorado and Montana expanded Medicaid up to 138% of the Federal Poverty Level. They have similar eligibility determinants for children under 18, but differ in qualifying incomes. Colorado requires copayments, while Montana collects a monthly premium. Montana requested a work requirement for Medicaid eligibility, but it's unlikely to be approved. The state of Montana requested CMS for the addition of a work requirement for eligibility under a Section 1115 and an additional premium requirement for many participants. The work requirement is unlikely to be approved under the current administration because it is being withdrawn in other states. Beginning in 2025, under statute, Colorado will provide coverage for undocumented children and pregnant women that would otherwise qualify without being "lawfully present" for the normally required 5 years. Colorado currently provides Emergency Medical Services (EMS) if all conditions are met, other than immigration status and some basic coverages that are provided extend coverage to immigrant children and pregnant women and provides family planning services." Want Professional Help?

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Other Subject: Eligibility determinants for children under 18
Reference No:- TGS03447097

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