Assignment task: For this assignment, we will be trying calligraphy-the art of beautiful writing.
In many cases, calligraphy is used to elevate the importance of a passage of text. Decorating mosques with words from the Qur'an is one example. Another example is using calligraphy on invitations for an important life event, like a wedding.
Choose a word or phrase that is important to you and recreate it with calligraphy techniques. There are a few options for this assignment, so choose something that will challenge you.
Part one: Choosing a word
You are welcome to use your native language, but if you are already familiar with calligraphy, I'd like to challenge you to pick a word in a language different from your own.
Feel free to use Google Translate or other translation services to help you learn what your word/words is/are in the language of your choosing.
Part two: Calligraphy Techniques
If you have a paintbrush and paint or ink, you can try making calligraphy in the traditional way. If you don't have paintbrushes, you can draw in calligraphy with a regular pen or pencil. Watch the video below for a tutorial on both methods from me.
YouTube Video: Calligraphy Tutorial By Laura J. Lawson
Upload a picture of your calligraphy with a note on what it is (language, meaning, style, or other important information).