Assignment task:
For this Assessment, you will complete the follow table to include your definition and possible examples of where each of these elements of the research process might be found in a typical research study. Note: Include your references. Term Definition Example of where or how the term is used in practice (You do not need an example for the terms in brackets)
Module 1: Steps in the Research Process (Nursing Research) Research Question/Hypothesis (Research aim/objective) (Data collection) (Data analysis) (Conclusions) (Literature review) (Measurements) Sample Population (Abstract) Methods Results Discussion Conclusion (Reference List) (Results) (Recommendations) (Systematic) Independent variable Dependent variable (Causality) (Validity)
Module 2: Ethical Implication (Ethics) IRB (HIPAA) Informed consent
Module 3: Types of Methodologies Quantitative (Descriptive research) (Correlational research) (Experimental research) (Quasi-experimental research) Qualitative (Coding) (Ethnography) (Narrative research) (Phenomenological research) (Grounded theory research) (Case study research) Mixed methods