
Elements of environment that affect business

Question1) Answer all the following questions:

(i) Briefly explain the term FDI?

(ii) List two features of technology.

(iii) What is disinvestment?

(iv) Name two tools to control money supply by monetary policy of RBI?

(v) What is international trade?

Question2) Describe the external elements of environment offering business.

Question3) Describe the role of multinational enterprise.

Question4) Describe the problems faced by small scale industries.

Question5) Answer all the questions:

(i) List four internal elements of environment that affect business.

(ii) What do you mean by liberalization?

(iii) What do you mean by fiscal policy?

(iv) Write down the year in which Competition Act was enacted.

(v) What is EXIM policy?

Question6) Describe the impact of globalization on Indian economy.

Question7) Describe the significance of small scale industries.

Question8) Describe industrial policy of government of India.

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Business Management: Elements of environment that affect business
Reference No:- TGS03830

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