Problem 1. Name three issues of Traditional Marketing that IMC helps to solve.
Problem 2. Name three benefits of IMC
Problem 3. Name three types of Branding
Problem 4. Key elements of an Integrated Marketing Communications Plan
Problem 5. Give the six steps to a good tactical IMC plan
Problem 6. Give three key elements that define a business to business customer
Problem 7. Give three key elements that define a business to consumer customer
Problem 8. Name the stages of the product life cycle
Problem 9. Name three positioning strategies
Problem 10. What does CPM stand for?
Problem 11. What are the key objectives to set in a trade promotion?
Problem 12. Name four types of consumer promotions.
Problem 13. Define acquisition costs in IMC
Problem 14. Name the three key value added network strategies
Problem 15. Give three key decisions that go into deciding a distribution channel
Problem 16. Name two impacts that ecommerce has had on brick and mortar businesses.
Problem 17. Give three ways to evaluate the branding message for IMC
Problem 18. Give three ways to evaluate the PR impact on the IMC plan.
Problem 19. Name four ways to evaluate the IMC plan overall.
Problem 20. What does FUD stand for?
Problem 21. How is IMC impacted by global considerations?