"Elements of all of our theories in IR can be used to predict quite different outcomes in a given situation. It is not true that all realists pessimistically predict constant conflict, or that all liberals or constructivists optimistically predict cooperation. Much depends on the particular situation we analyze."
"If we were to apply our current theories to one of the most important relationships in the world, the US-China relationship, one can find elements within each theoretical approach that predict a dire future full of rivalry and conflict, but also other elements within each theoretical approach that predict a future that is much more stable and cooperative. Only one of these viewpoints will eventually prove to be accurate."
Focus on what the THEORIES would predict, or how the theories explain or don't explain what is happening, rather than the specifics about US-China relations.
So, do not focus too much on the details of the relationship, but rather focus on drawing out insights from the theories, and assessing their strengths and weaknesses. I am looking for your overall critical assessment of the different theories and approaches we have discussed in this class.
Some guideline questions might help: (you do not have to answer all the question below)
Is China less likely to behave as an Offensive Realist or Defensive Realist Great Power? How would we know?
In East Asia, what role is the US likely to play in the near future? What are the likely implications if the US were to draw down its commitments to East Asia?
Is the current balance of power stable? If so, is it likely to remain stable in the future? 5 years? 40 years?
Are we actually seeing a case of power transition taking place? Does China benefit from the current system, or is it likely to seek to fundamentally change the system? Do the US and China has common interests?
How strong are ties of interdependence between the US and the China? Between China and other countries in the region? How would interdependence influence relations in the region?
Both side (pro about China rising and bad about china rising) should be mentioned.
No political position (for example, Taiwan is part of China or TW is not part of China)
Do not mention the latest USA president election result (Trump and Hilary).
Essay should contain more analysis not descriptions, definitions and history explanation.
Theories mentioned are needed (realism, liberalism..etc)