
Elements of a claim for negligent hiring

Assignment Task:

Case Study: Navarete v. Naperville Psychiatric Ventures focuses on employer responsibility for employee wrongdoing. In this case, the plaintiff, Maribel Navarete, brought a negligent hiring claim against the defendant, Naperville Psychiatric Ventures.  After reading this case study found in Chapter 5 of your textbook, address the following:

List the legal issue in this case.

List the facts of this case.

Present an evaluation of the facts of this case based on the four Elements of a Claim related to negligent hiring found in Chapter 5 of the text. Support your position with evidence from the case study.

What is the significance of this case as it relates to the HR practice of background checks?

Evidence is an integral part of academic writing and critical thinking. When crafting your responses, please be sure to use the textbook and resources, as well as any outside research you might conduct, to support your statements.

In response to your peers:

Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your classmate(s) position related to the four Elements of a Claim for negligent hiring and the facts of the case. Defend your position with evidence from the case study.

If applicable, do you have a different perspective or idea related to the significance of this case as it relates to the HR practice of background checks?

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HR Management: Elements of a claim for negligent hiring
Reference No:- TGS03229538

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