
Elements of a business model

Assignment: Last Five Elements of Business Model - Portfolio

Elements of a Business Model


To apply the core concepts of the nine elements of the business model, the last five elements, added to assignment.


In EBM assignment, you chose a company or product line, researched some background and defined the first four elements of the model. These elements were first outlined on the Business Model Canvas template and then expanded in a paper.

In EBM Assignment, we continue this process with the last five elements of the business model, with a conclusion about what your discovered.

A. Business Model Canvas outline:

First continue to use the spreadsheet version of the Business Model canvas to list the information for each element in bullet points, building on the first four elements already done. (Type in the blocks).

B. Narrative paper:

Second, in narrative format, continue the narrative begun in Assignment. Expand on the information about each ‘element' by stating the bullet point, then writing several sentences that expand on the point with specifics and facts. Use a header in bold before each section on the elements. (Revenue Streams, Key Resources, Key Activities, Key Partners and Cost Structure).

C. Conclusion

REVIEW the text book and slides for the concepts applying to each element. Research the product line and company and decide what information applies to each element.

Cover the following sections with a header for each section in the narrative paper - two items per sections:

Last Five Elements of the Business Model

Key Activities:

Key Activities are all the things the company must to develop and create the product or service, staff it; produce it; distribute it; market and promote it; sell ads or sponsorships service the customers; and more. The other elements flow from Key Activities.

Key Resources

What resources are needed to do the Key Activities, to produce the products, distribute them, market them and maintain customer relationships - refer to items from the key activities. Resources can be of four types; physical (equipment, hardware, offices, infrastructure), intellectual property (rights to content the company created/owns), human (artists, players, engineers, designers, administrative staff, etc), and financial (capitol).

Key Partners

What are the partnerships needed to create/produce the product, distribute the product, to finance it and serve customers. What are the company's main suppliers, distributors, sponsors, etc. What resources or expertise does the company require from partners?

Cost Structure

What are the major costs and expenses required to produce and create the product line, to distribute the product and serve customers? Remember key activities need resources which create a cost. What are expenses that must be covered by revenues? If the company pays for rights, look for articles about those payments.

Revenue Streams

How does the company/product generate revenue Are their multiple revenue streams from multiple products; how does each relate to overall income?

NOTE: Cite sources in short form for facts included in the paper.

2. Conclusion

-- Based on your research in all the nine elements, evaluate whether the company/product line is a solid business model.

-- Make at least two recommendations on it could be done to improve it. Draw your own conclusions based on the facts. (at least 150 to 175 words)

NOTE: This is a very important part of the analysis - without a conclusion, an analysis has little value.

3. References

-- Have at least six sources for information (more is preferable). You can add to sources already used in assignment and reuse those sources. At least two of the sources, should come from articles found in the Full Sail Library databases.

-- In text citing: Be sure to cite references in short form (Osterwalder 2011) in the narrative of the paper itself -- at the end of the paragraph where the facts/specifics were used. (Using facts or quotes without sources can be considered plagiarism.)

-- Full APA format: List the full sources in APA format at the end of the paper. Examples of APA format are on Connect.

To finish: Combine Assignments into one continuous paper. You now have all nine elements of the business model, plus background information and conclusion.

-- If you are submitting the assignment in two parts, the canvas outline and the narrative paper, zip them and upload one item to the platform.

-- Be sure to include a standard assignment Cover Sheet (see below)


--Us MS Word document format, either double spaced or 1 ½ spaces; 12 point type font

-- Include a cover sheet with the your name, the date, assignment title/number, instructor and cours

-- Spacing: 1½ spaces or double spacing, 1" margins.

-- Sources: cite sources in APA style short form within body of paper and list in complete form in "Resources" section at end of paper. See examples in References for this course online.

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