
Elements between both male and female reproductive structure

Assignment Task 1: Reproductive System Overview

Q1. What are some common elements between both male and female reproductive structures?

Q2. What hormones are responsible for sexual maturation and where is their source?

Q3. What is the perineum and what are some anatomical landmarks on this structure?

Assignment Task 2: Gametogenesis

Q1. How many chromosomes exist in humans? How many autosomes? Sex chromosomes? How do they determine gender?

Q2. How many and what kinds of chromosomes are present in gametes?

Q3. How are gametes different from somatic cells?

Q4. What happens to chromosome number at fertilization?

Q5. How is meiosis different from mitosis?

Q6. How is meiosis I different from meiosis II?

Assignment Task 3: Female Reproductive System

Q1. What is the structural relationship between a follicle, oocyte, cortex, granulosa, and ovary?

Q2. What is the relationship between GnRH. FSH, and LH? How do they impact the ovaries?

Q3. Describe the actions of hormones, ovaries, and follicles / corpus lutem during each of these phases for ovaries and the uterus

  • Follicular phase
  • Ovulation
  • Luteal phase

Q4. What happens to the uterus during the flow phase of the menstrual cycle?

Q5. What hormones influence the function of mammary glands and when are they expressed?

Q6. What are the stages of the female sexual response and how do the reproductive structures change during each of these phases?

Assignment Task 4: Male Reproductive System

Q1. What are the primary and accessory organs of the male reproductive system?

Q2. Describe the design of the scrotum

Q3. What is spermatogenesis and where does it occur?

Q4. List and describe the ducts of the male reproductive system

Q5. How is testosterone regulated in males? What are the inputs and outputs of the regulation pattern?

Q6. What is the sexual response in males and how does the penis respond?

Assignment Task 5: Development and Aging

Q1. How is the development of male and female anatomy regulated in humans?

Q2. What is the difference between genotype and phenotype in Biology? What are genotypic and phenotypic genders?

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Biology: Elements between both male and female reproductive structure
Reference No:- TGS03216317

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