
Elements and notation use to build activity diagram in uml

Question 1)a) What is 4+1 view architecture view? Describe advantages of focusing on each of the view of the system.

b) Write short note on CORBA services.

c) Define the terms : Iteration, Increment, Inheritance, Object.

Question 2)a) Draw diagram for RUP.

b) Explain in brief new features of UML 2.0.

c) What is the relevance of Inception and Construction phase in Rational Unified Process?

Question 3)a) Explain the tagged value concept in UML and also its need.

b) Write a short note on UML meta model.

c) Why does one need use case diagram? Explain with example.

Question 4)a) What is OCL?

b) List the name of structural and behavioural diagram.

c) Write a short note on "Extensibility mechanism in UML".

Question 5)a) Explain polymorphism and encapsulation with example.

b) What do you understand by concept of interface? How does it encourage better maintenance?

Question 6)a) Describe with example advanced relationship.

b) Explain "CRC Card used in analysis phase"

Question7)a) Give suitable example for timing constraint in a sequence diagram.

b) Explain the concept of signal.

c) What is the purpose of interaction diagram.

Question 8)a) Draw a communication diagram for 'schedule a seminar' in hypothetical college system for seminar management. Make appropriate assumption about the scope.

b) Explain the concept of exception.

c) Compare sequence and communication diagram in four counts namely Visual emphasis, freedom to represent objects information, the way Sequencing is shown, the way iteration/looping is shown.

Question 9)a) Explain elements and notation use to build an activity diagram in UML.

b) Describe fork and join.

c) What are the various parts of state in state machine?

Question 10)a) Compare concepts : state and activity.

b) Write a brief note on timing diagram.

c) Define source state and target state.

Question 11)a) Write a brief note on packaging diagram.

b) What are the applications of UML in embedded system?

c) What are the common uses of component diagram?

Question 12)a) Explain the notations used in deployment diagram.

b) What are the UML commercial applications?

c) Draw a deployment diagram for the following application. A fully fledged website is to be hosted for your college. Make appropriate assumption.

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Software Engineering: Elements and notation use to build activity diagram in uml
Reference No:- TGS05638

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