1. Elementary Data Structures Suppose you created a video project that has two data structures-an array of strings and a ListView control. You used the Sort() method of the array class to put the film names in ascending order. Then the program populated 1stNames with the ordered strings from the array. In this assignment, you will:
• Populate the list using a different technique. Within the Form1_Load event, comment out the Sort() method.
• Change the Sorting property of 1stNames to Ascending.
• Change the Sorting property of 1stNames to Descending to display the names in 1stNames sorted automatically. Save the program as Elementary.cpp. 2. Implementation and Application of Data Structures In this assignment, you will write a program that:
• Converts the bubble sort, changing the outer loop from a for loop to a while loop, so that an early exit is possible when the film names list becomes sorted.
• Uses a Boolean variable to control the outer loop. Save the program as Application.cpp