
Electrostatic deflection with magnetostatic deflection

1)(a) Describe electrostatic deflection with magnetostatic deflection.

b) What occurs to the electron when it is exposed to perpendicular and magnetic fields?

2) Explain the motion of the electron under influence of the applied magnetic field.

3) What is meant by a clipper? Describe series and shunt clipper operation with suitable example.

4) Describe V-I characteristics of PN junction diode and write down its applications

5) Examine BJT voltage divider bias configuration.

6) Examine CE fixed bias configuration with appropriate network models.

7) Describe the essential structure of the N-channel JFET transistor and describe how in the saturation region the drain current varies with gate voltage

8) Describe how does switching action takes place in the MOSFET? Design and describe MOSFET switch and write down its advantages over switch using a JFET?

9) Design the structure and describe the characteristics of DIAC and TRIAC

10) Describe how does LCD, produce a display when light is incident and why does it consumes less power in comparison with LED? Describe with neat and suitable illustrations. 

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Electrical Engineering: Electrostatic deflection with magnetostatic deflection
Reference No:- TGS013016

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