
Electronic funds transfers-value of money

1) Electronic Funds Transfers! Value of Money?

There is often a number of people in the world that do not actually see the value of a dollar anymore. The fact that a person can go up to an ATM and withdraw any amount of cash. They forget that you have to actually have money in the bank to get the money from an ATM. Do you think that people have lost their concept of paper money?

2) Farming and Agriculture Technology

An industry that no one in the big cities actually realizes has been affected by technology is the farming industry. Farmers have computers that monitor the weeds, moisture, and chemical content of their fields. It even tells them the optimum time to harvest. Yields have grown tremendously. Here is an example site https://www.nnsw.com.au/arcompro/agric.html

Dairy Farmers actually monitor the milk output of certain cows and change their feed according to a scientific formula.

Are there any aspects of farming that are still due to experience the advent of technology that will increase their production?

3) If the concept of disruptive versus sustaining technologies is valid, then how would you know when a new technology is on the cusp of overtaking your existing technology and, perhaps, my business?

4) Heavyweight development teams require a large number of diverse resources. How would you decide when it's best to invest in heavyweight development versus the lower cost and more nimble targeted project team?

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Finance Basics: Electronic funds transfers-value of money
Reference No:- TGS01451393

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